首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Heating Rate during Shell Egg Thermal Treatment Elicits Stress Responses and Alters Virulence of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis; Implications for Shell Egg Pasteurization

Heating Rate during Shell Egg Thermal Treatment Elicits Stress Responses and Alters Virulence of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis; Implications for Shell Egg Pasteurization


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Thermal pasteurization of shell eggs, at various time-temperature combinations, has been proposed previously and implemented industrially. This study was conducted to determine if shell egg heating rate, which varies with different pasteurization implementations, alters the Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis response to different stresses or expression of virulence. Shell eggs, containing Salmonella Enteritidis in yolk, were subjected to a low (2.4 degrees C/min) or a high (3.5 degrees C/min) heating rate during treatments that mimicked the pasteurization temperature come-up stage. The low heating rate protected Salmonella from the following processes: (i) lethal heat at the holding stage, (ii) loss of viability during 8-h cooling after heating, and (iii) sequential antimicrobial ozone treatment. Transcriptional analysis using Salmonella reporter strains revealed that the heat stress response gene grpE was transcribed at 3-fold-higher levels (P = 0.0009) at the low than at the high heating rate. Slow heating also significantly increased the transcription of the Salmonella virulence-related genes sopB (P = 0.0012) and sseA (P = 0.0006) in comparison to fast heating. Salmonella virulence was determined experimentally as 50 lethal dose (LD50) values in an in vivo model. The slow heat treatment mildly increased Salmonella Enteritidis virulence in mice (LD50 of 33 log CFU), compared to that in non-treated yolk (LD50 of 3.9 log CFU). However, when ozone application followed the slow heat treatment, Salmonella virulence decreased (LD50 of 4.2 log CFU) compared to that for heat-treated or nontreated yolk. In conclusion, heating shell eggs at a low rate can trigger hazardous responses that may compromise the safety of the final pasteurized products but following the thermal treatment with ozone application may help alleviate these concerns. IMPORTANCE Pasteurization of shell eggs is an important technology designed to protect consumers against Salmonella Enteritidis that contaminates this commodity. A low heating rate is preferred over a high rate during shell egg thermal pasteurization due to product quality concern. However, it is not known whether raising the temperature at different rates, during pasteurizing, would potentially affect product safety determinants. The current study demonstrated that slow heating during the pasteurization come-up stage increased the following risks: (i) resistance of Salmonella to pasteurization holding stage or to subsequent ozone treatment (ii) recovery of Salmonella during the cooling that followed pasteurization, and (iii) Salmonella's ability to cause disease (i.e., virulence). Our findings inform food processors about potential safety risks to consumers resulting from improper use of processing parameters during shell egg pasteurization. Additionally, treating shell eggs with ozone after heat treatment could alleviate these hazards and protect consumers from natural Salmonella Enteritidis contaminants in shell eggs.
机译:以前已经提出过在各种时间-温度组合下对带壳鸡蛋进行热巴氏杀菌并在工业上实施。本研究旨在确定带壳蛋的加热速率(随不同的巴氏杀菌实施而变化)是否会改变肠道沙门氏菌血清型肠炎菌对不同应激或毒力表达的反应。蛋黄中含有肠炎沙门氏菌的带壳鸡蛋在模拟巴氏杀菌温度上升阶段的处理过程中受到低(2.4°C/min)或高(3.5°C/min)加热速率的影响。低加热速率保护沙门氏菌免受以下过程的影响:(i) 保温阶段的致死热,(ii) 加热后 8 小时冷却期间活力丧失,以及 (iii) 连续抗菌臭氧处理。使用沙门氏菌报告菌株的转录分析显示,热应激反应基因grpE在低温速率下的转录水平是高3倍(P = 0.0009)。与快速加热相比,慢速加热还显著增加了沙门氏菌毒力相关基因 sopB (P = 0.0012) 和 sseA (P = 0.0006) 的转录。在体内模型中,沙门氏菌毒力通过实验确定为 50% 致死剂量 (LD50) 值。与未处理的蛋黄(LD50 为 3.9 log CFU)相比,慢热处理轻度增加了小鼠肠炎沙门氏菌的毒力(LD50 为 33 log CFU)。然而,当在缓慢热处理后施用臭氧时,与热处理或未处理的蛋黄相比,沙门氏菌的毒力降低(LD50为4.2 log CFU)。总之,以低速率加热带壳鸡蛋会引发危险反应,从而可能危及最终巴氏杀菌产品的安全性,但在使用臭氧进行热处理后可能有助于缓解这些担忧。重要性 带壳鸡蛋的巴氏杀菌是一项重要的技术,旨在保护消费者免受污染该商品的肠炎沙门氏菌的侵害。由于产品质量问题,在带壳鸡蛋热巴氏杀菌过程中,低加热速率优于高加热速率。然而,目前尚不清楚在巴氏杀菌过程中以不同的速率提高温度是否会影响产品安全决定因素。目前的研究表明,在巴氏杀菌阶段缓慢加热会增加以下风险:(i)沙门氏菌对巴氏杀菌保持阶段或随后的臭氧处理的抵抗力(ii)在巴氏杀菌后的冷却期间沙门氏菌的恢复,以及(iii)沙门氏菌致病的能力(即毒力)。我们的研究结果告知食品加工商,在带壳鸡蛋巴氏杀菌过程中不当使用加工参数会给消费者带来潜在的安全风险。此外,在热处理后用臭氧处理带壳鸡蛋可以减轻这些危害,并保护消费者免受带壳鸡蛋中天然肠炎沙门氏菌污染物的侵害。




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