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Home is where the heat is: Thermoregulation of European bats inhabiting artificial roosts and the threat of heat waves


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Abstract Anthropogenic land use changes, such as deforestation and commercial forestry, have substantially reduced natural roost sites for European bats. A common conservation solution is to provide artificial roosts (i.e. bat boxes), but there are concerns that these can become hotter than natural roosts in summer and could be death traps during heat waves. Nevertheless, females of several bat species form maternity colonies in these boxes, thus occupying hotter and more humid microclimates than solitarily roosting males. We tested if cooling efficiency and heat tolerance differ between sexes in European bats, and estimated the evaporative water requirements for bats living in bat boxes during hot summer days. We used indirect calorimetry and thermometry to quantify thermoregulation at high air temperatures (Ta) in four species of verspitilionid bats that regularly occupy artificial roosts. We measured resting metabolic heat production, evaporative water loss rates (EWL) and body temperature (Tb) at Ta between 28°C and 48°C during summer. We predicted that females have higher evaporative cooling efficiency (evaporative heat loss/metabolic heat production) than males, allowing them to reach their heat tolerance limit at higher Ta. We found no sex differences in maximum evaporative cooling efficiency, maximum Tb, and maximum Ta tolerated. However, the patterns of increasing EWL with Ta differed between sexes. Females tolerated higher Ta before increasing EWL than males and then rapidly increased EWL to higher values than males at the maximum Ta tolerated. These sex differences in heat dissipation strategies may reflect varying ecological and physiological constraints associated with different summer roosting habits. Synthesis and applications. Our study revealed that some small European bat species are already at risk of succumbing to lethal dehydration during present‐day heat waves, with daytime evaporative water requirements equivalent to ~30 of body mass in sun‐exposed boxes. For conservation managers working with common European bat species, particularly those in monoculture forests with woodcrete bat‐boxes, our physiologically informed recommendations include positioning boxes in diverse locations varying in aspect and sun exposure. This will ensure thermal heterogeneity of roost sites and provide a wide gradient of microclimate conditions, allowing for roost switching when necessary.
机译:摘要 人为的土地利用变化,如森林砍伐和商业林业,大大减少了欧洲蝙蝠的自然栖息地。一个常见的保护解决方案是提供人工栖息地(即.bat箱),但有人担心这些栖息地在夏季会变得比自然栖息地更热,并且在热浪期间可能成为死亡陷阱。然而,几种蝙蝠的雌性在这些盒子中形成母体群落,因此比单独栖息的雄性占据更热、更潮湿的小气候。我们测试了欧洲蝙蝠的冷却效率和耐热性是否因性别而异,并估计了生活在蝙蝠箱中的蝙蝠在炎热的夏季的蒸发水需求。我们使用间接量热法和温度法来量化四种经常占据人工栖息地的蝙蝠在高温 (Ta) 下的体温调节。我们测量了夏季 Ta 在 28°C 至 48°C 之间的静息代谢产热、蒸发失水率 (EWL) 和体温 (Tb)。我们预测雌性比雄性具有更高的蒸发冷却效率(蒸发热损失/代谢产热),使它们在较高的 Ta 下达到耐热极限。我们发现在最大蒸发冷却效率、最大 Tb 和最大耐受 Ta 方面没有性别差异。然而,Ta 增加 EWL 的模式在两性之间有所不同。女性在增加 EWL 之前耐受的 Ta 高于男性,然后在最大 Ta 耐受下迅速增加到高于男性的值。这些散热策略的性别差异可能反映了与不同夏季栖息习性相关的不同生态和生理限制。合成与应用.我们的研究表明,在当今的热浪中,一些小型欧洲蝙蝠物种已经面临死于致命脱水的风险,白天的蒸发水需求量相当于暴露在阳光下的盒子中体重的~30%。对于与常见的欧洲蝙蝠物种一起工作的保护管理人员,特别是那些在单一栽培森林中使用木混凝土蝙蝠箱的蝙蝠,我们的生理学建议包括将蝙蝠箱放置在不同位置,在外观和阳光照射下各不相同。这将确保栖息地的热非均质性,并提供广泛的小气候条件梯度,允许在必要时进行栖息地切换。




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