
Generalized Cumulative Residual Entropy of Time Series Based on Permutation Patterns


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Cumulative residual entropy (CRE) has been suggested as a new measure to quantify uncertainty of nonlinear time series signals. Combined with permutation entropy and Renyi entropy, we introduce a generalized measure of CRE at multiple scales, namely generalized cumulative residual entropy (GCRE), and further propose a modification of GCRE procedure by the weighting scheme - weighted generalized cumulative residual entropy (WGCRE). The GCRE and WGCRE methods are performed on the synthetic series to study properties of parameters and verify the validity of measuring complexity of the series. After that, the GCRE and WGCRE methods are applied to the US, European and Chinese stock markets. Through data analysis and statistics comparison, the proposed methods can effectively distinguish stock markets with different characteristics.
机译:累积残余熵 (CRE) 被认为是量化非线性时间序列信号不确定性的新指标。结合排列熵和仁义熵,引入了一种多尺度的CRE广义度量,即广义累积残差熵(GCRE),并进一步提出了一种基于加权方案的GCRE程序的改进——加权广义累积残余熵(WGCRE)。采用GCRE和WGCRE方法对合成序列进行了研究,研究了参数的性质,验证了序列测量复杂度的有效性。之后,GCRE和WGCRE方法应用于美国、欧洲和中国的股票市场。通过数据分析和统计比较,所提方法可以有效区分不同特征的股票市场。




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