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Shaping the field of Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics: The 40th Anniversary of Ajit Yoganathan's Research Laboratory

机译:塑造心血管流体力学领域:Ajit Yoganathan研究实验室成立40周年

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495 publications. 865 abstracts. 20 patents. 89 graduate students. 40 post-doctoral fellows. Fellow of 5 major societies. Lissner Award winner and National Academy of Engineering member. These are highly impressive metrics for any academician. However, these metrics only tell part of the story of the influence of Dr. Ajit Yoganathan's Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics (CFM) lab over its 40-year tenure. The true measure of that influence is in how the engineering concepts developed and applied in that lab have been translated to have a clinical impact in patient care. In addition, it is not an overstatement to say that trainees from the CFM lab have defined a generation of cardiovascular researchers in both academics and industry. One of Ajit Yoganathan's great strengths was he always understood that academics could do things that industry could not, but also that industry could bring to patients devices and tools that academics could not deliver.
机译:495篇出版物。865篇摘要。20项专利。研究生89人。博士后40人。5个主要学会的会员。利斯纳奖获得者、美国国家工程院院士。对于任何院士来说,这些都是非常令人印象深刻的指标。然而,这些指标仅说明了 Ajit Yoganathan 博士的心血管流体力学 (CFM) 实验室在其 40 年任期内的影响的一部分。这种影响的真正衡量标准在于该实验室开发和应用的工程概念如何转化为对患者护理的临床影响。此外,可以毫不夸张地说,CFM实验室的学员在学术界和工业界都定义了一代心血管研究人员。Ajit Yoganathan的一大优势是,他始终明白,学术界可以做工业界做不到的事情,而且工业界也可以为患者带来学术界无法提供的设备和工具。




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