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Permian Oil Producers Dipping Into Gas-Rich Plays


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A handful of Permian Basin producers known for their oil output are moving to test the Barnett Shale and other gassy zones on their acreage as stronger commodity prices support delineation.Most recently, Pioneer Natural Resources CEO Scott ShefOeld said last week the company would begin testing the Barnett and Woodford formations deep in its Midland subbasin acreage next year. “It’s important to understand what we have, where natural gas prices may end up long term, ” ShefOeld said at the Barclays CEO Energy-Power Conference, noting that returns from the gassier formations may not be as good as those in the Spraberry-Wolfcamp oil plays. He also said that while the formations have been tested on the eastern and western edges of the Midland, they have yet to be delineated in the deeper parts of the subbasin.
机译:少数以石油产量闻名的二叠纪盆地生产商正在采取行动,在其种植面积上测试巴尼特页岩和其他天然气带,因为大宗商品价格走强支持划定。最近,Pioneer Natural Resources首席执行官Scott ShefOeld上周表示,该公司将于明年开始测试其Midland子盆地深处的Barnett和Woodford地层。ShefOeld在巴克莱首席执行官能源电力会议上表示:“重要的是要了解我们所拥有的天然气价格,天然气价格可能长期上涨,”他指出,天然气地层的回报可能不如Spraberry-Wolfcamp石油油田的回报好。他还说,虽然这些地层已经在米德兰的东部和西部边缘进行了测试,但在亚盆地的更深处尚未划定。




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