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Electrical design problems and improvement countermeasures of transmission lines under the background of big data and artificial intelligence


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This paper studies the feasibility of intelligent power design mode, and proves that the intelligent power design mode has significant advantages over the traditional mode by using the method of comparative study. Comparative studies are more distinctive in the breadth and depth of content. With the further acceleration of the urbanization process and the popularization of electronic equipment, people's demand for electricity is gradually increasing. The overall operation of the transmission line is actually highly related to the design mode of the line. The quality of electrical design will be closely related to people's electricity consumption. The stability of the electrical design is directly linked to the sustainability, and it will also be linked to the reputation of the power design company and the safety of public life. The use of a variety of new technologies in the electrical design process to guide the design scheme and identify design problems as soon as possible is the latest trend in the electrical design of current transmission lines. In the context of the rapid development of data science, the functions of comprehensive sorting and providing suggestions provided by big data technology have become the mainstream choice for solving problems in various industries. At present, big data technology has begun to be associated with the power industry, and big data technology has been applied to transmission lines. Electrical design can also solve various dilemmas that exist in current design. Artificial intelligence technology enables computers to have the ability to think like ordinary people through algorithms and training data. Applying artificial intelligence technology to electrical design of transmission lines can make scheme design more intelligent. In order to analyze the current status of electrical design of transmission lines, this paper conducts a questionnaire survey on professionals and practitioners of electrical design of transmission lines. Through a detailed analysis of the questionnaire data, it is found that the electrical design of current transmission lines mainly includes unreasonable line path arrangement, line support towers unreasonable models and insufficient consideration in safety protection design, and combined with big data and artificial intelligence technology, the intelligent arrangement of line paths, tower-shaped intelligent matching and intelligent safety protection strategies are designed. The respondents of the questionnaire conducted a second survey and found that the efficiency, cost, intelligence, sustainability and safety of the electrical design of transmission lines were improved after combining big data and artificial intelligence technology. The intelligent circuit design scheme constructed by big data and artificial intelligence technology can improve the quality of circuit transportation, solve the problems of unreasonable route layout, unreasonable line support tower type and insufficient consideration of safety protection design. Intelligent circuit design scheme compared to the traditional circuit design scheme in the design efficiency, cost, sustainability is significantly improved.




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