首页> 外文期刊>Nucleic Acid Therapeutics >Addressing the Needs of Patients with Ultra-Rare Mutations One Patient at a Time: The n-Lorem Approach

Addressing the Needs of Patients with Ultra-Rare Mutations One Patient at a Time: The n-Lorem Approach

机译:Addressing the Needs of Patients with Ultra-Rare Mutations One Patient at a Time: The n-Lorem Approach

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Thanks to the advent of genomic sequencing and numerous personalized medicine initiatives in various medical centers, it is now known that there are many patients who have heretofore never been diagnosed who have mutations that are unique to them and them only and others that may be members of an extremely rare mutation (<30 patients in the world). Although each mutation may be unique it is now estimated that there are millions of these unique or vanishingly small patient groups. Patients with diseases caused by ultra-rare mutations present challenges to the health care system that are as unique as their mutation. n-Lorem was founded to take advantage of the antisense technology that we created at Ionis to discover and develop personalized antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) one patient at a time and provide those experimental ASO treatments for free for life. In our first 18 months of operation, we have demonstrated this goal is achievable and worked with the FDA to develop guidance for ASO treatment of patients with ultra-rare diseases. In this article, I define the problem, discuss the ASO solution, and our progress at n-Lorem to date. I then focus on important steps that we have taken to assure that these complex risk/benefit judgments are made with high quality and that each patient receives the highest quality ASO possible. I then describe the processes we have created to assure that the opportunity to learn from each patient and our aggregate experience are maximized and shared with all stakeholders.




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