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Assessing and Predicting the Vulnerability to Agrometeorological Drought Using the Fuzzy-AHP and Second-order Markov Chain techniques


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Abstract Vulnerabilities of different regions to drought are under the influence of different factors such as the land use, accessibility to the surface and subsurface water resources, etc. In this research, using the information of 18 effective indicators on the region’s vulnerability to agrometeorological drought, the vulnerability of Fars province to agrometeorological drought was assessed and predicted. For this purpose, first, a drought vulnerability map for each of the indicators for 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020?years was prepared (all indicators were classified into mild (Mi), moderate (Mo), severe (Se), and very severe (VSe) classes). Then the weight of each indicator was determined using the Fuzzy-AHP method. In the next step, by superposition the criteria’s maps based on their weight, the final vulnerability maps to drought were prepared for the years mentioned above. Finally, using the second-order Markov chain method, the vulnerability class to agrometeorological drought was predicted for each pixel (34,200 pixels) over the Fars province for 2025 and 2030. The results indicated that the ratio of rain-fed cultivated area to total agricultural lands (0.215) and slop (0.009) had the highest and lowest weights. The study area in all years was classified into Mo (east and northern regions) and Se (west and southern regions) vulnerability classes. Based on the Spearman test, from 2000 to 2020, the area percent of the Mo and Se classes of vulnerability had a decreasing and increasing trend, respectively. The validation test of the second-order Markov chain showed that this model has 92 accuracy for predicting the vulnerability classes. Also, in 2025 and 2030, the area percentage of the Mo class will be equal to 57.17 and 57.30 of the study area, and the area percentage of the Se class will be equal to 42.83 and 42.70.
机译:摘要 不同地区易受土地利用、地表水和地下水资源可及性等不同因素的影响。本研究利用18个有效指标对法尔斯省农业气象干旱脆弱性的信息,对法尔斯省农业气象干旱脆弱性进行了评估和预测。为此,首先编制了2000年、2005年、2010年、2015年和2020年各指标的干旱脆弱性图(所有指标分为轻度(Mi)、中度(Mo)、重度(Se)和极重度(VSe)等级)。然后使用模糊AHP方法确定每个指标的权重。下一步,根据标准的权重叠加标准地图,为上述年份准备了最终的干旱脆弱性地图。最后,采用二阶马尔可夫链方法,预测了2025年和2030年法尔斯省各像素(34,200像素)对农业气象干旱的脆弱性等级。结果表明:雨养耕地面积占农田总面积的比值(0.215)和坡度(0.009)的权重最高和最低。各年份研究区划分为Mo(东部和北部地区)和Se(西部和南部地区)脆弱性等级。基于Spearman检验,2000—2020年,钼和硒脆弱等级的面积百分比分别呈递减和递增趋势。二阶马尔可夫链的验证检验表明,该模型对漏洞类别的预测准确率为92%。此外,在2025年和2030年,钼类的面积百分比将等于研究面积的57.17%和57.30%,硒类的面积百分比将等于42.83%和42.70%。




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