首页> 外文期刊>Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences >Demographic Policy in Modern Russia: Population View and Expert Assessment

Demographic Policy in Modern Russia: Population View and Expert Assessment

机译:Demographic Policy in Modern Russia: Population View and Expert Assessment

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When formulating demographic policy measures, it is important to rely not only on the analysis of quantitative parameters but also on weighted expert assessments that characterize the effectiveness of the measures taken. Based on the data of a mass survey of the population and expert interviews, this article discusses the features of the implementation of the national project "Demography" and analyzes successful regional practices. Gaps in the sociodemographic policy are revealed, and the regional specificity of demographic development is characterized. It is shown that an important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of demographic policy is interdepartmental interaction, which helps to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and barriers. According to the authors, a significant role in improving the demographic situation in the country and regions will be played by updating the regulatory framework, expanding regional and local measures to optimize the movement of the population, and activating socially oriented nonprofit organizations and businesses in the demographic sphere.




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