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Levitational 3D Bioassembly and Density-Based Spatial Coding of Levitoids


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Self-assembly of cells into functional bioarchitectures with microscale spatialtopographies are prevalent in nature. Despite the advances to recapitulatethe native-like microenvironment in vitro,fabrication of soft living materialswith a deterministic control on the composition, functionality, and geometry,is still challenging. Here, a versatile, paramagnetically tunable, levitationalbiofabrication technique within a ring-magnet system, RM-LEV, is developedto assemble single cells or heterogeneous multicellular living architecturesin a scaffold-free manner. The self-assembly and contactless biofabricationof multiple cell types into 3D multicellular “levitospheres” is demonstrated,where cellular positions are guided by levitation and density, simultaneously.Inherent density and diamagnetism of different cell types are leveraged tomanipulate the geometry and self-assembly of levitospheres into larger complex3D structures, termed as “levitoids”. This approach is further applied tomanipulate, position, and culture levitoids within a 3D hydrogel matrix underlevitation, which preserves their viability and functionality. Thus, this studyprovides a foundation to create spatially heterogeneous 3D cellular assemblieswith density-coded bio-architectures—which is not previously realizedusing magnetic levitation. This density-based coding approach can bebeneficial to study the cross-talk between different cell types within spheroidsand organoids, and be broadly applied to 3D bioprinting, tissue engineering,cancer, and neuroscience research.
机译:将细胞自组装成具有微尺度空间拓扑结构的功能性生物结构在自然界中很普遍。尽管在体外重现类天然微环境方面取得了进展,但制造具有对成分、功能和几何形状的确定性控制的软生命材料仍然具有挑战性。在这里,开发了一种环形磁铁系统内的多功能、顺磁可调、悬浮生物制造技术 RM-LEV,以无支架的方式组装单细胞或异质多细胞活体结构。演示了多种细胞类型在3D多细胞“悬浮圈”中的自组装和非接触式生物制造,其中细胞位置同时由悬浮和密度引导。利用不同细胞类型的固有密度和抗磁性来操纵悬浮球的几何形状和自组装成更大的复杂 3D 结构,称为“类悬浮”。该方法进一步应用于在悬浮的 3D 水凝胶基质中操纵、定位和培养类维生素,从而保持其活力和功能。因此,这项研究为创建具有密度编码生物结构的空间异质 3D 细胞组件奠定了基础——这是以前使用磁悬浮无法实现的。这种基于密度的编码方法有助于研究球状体和类器官内不同细胞类型之间的串扰,并广泛应用于 3D 生物打印、组织工程、癌症和神经科学研究。




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