首页> 外文期刊>Western journal of nursing research >Caregiver Experiences of Care Coordination for Recently Discharged Patients: A Qualitative Metasynthesis

Caregiver Experiences of Care Coordination for Recently Discharged Patients: A Qualitative Metasynthesis


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Caregivers of patients often provide key support for patients after hospitalization. This qualitative metasynthesis describes caregiver perspectives about care coordination for patients discharged from the hospital. A literature search of Ovid Medline and CINAHL completed on May 23, 2018, identified 1,546 studies. Twelve articles were included in the final metasynthesis. Caregiver perspectives about care coordination were compiled into overall themes. A subanalysis of studies in which patients were discharged with home health services was completed. Five main themes emerged related to caregiver perspectives on care coordination after hospitalization: (a) Suboptimal access to clinicians after discharge, (b) Feeling disregarded by clinicians, (c) Need for information and training at discharge, (d) Overwhelming responsibilities to manage appointments and medications, and (e) Need for emotional support. Findings from this metasynthesis suggest the need for clinicians to engage with caregivers to provide support, training, and communication after hospital discharge.
机译:患者的护理人员通常会在住院后为患者提供关键支持。这种定性荟萃综合描述了护理人员对出院患者护理协调的看法。2018年5月23日完成的对Ovid Medline和CINAHL的文献检索确定了1,546项研究。12篇文章被纳入最终的metasynthesis。护理人员对护理协调的看法被汇编成总体主题。完成了对患者出院接受家庭保健服务的研究的子分析。出现了五个主要主题,与护理人员对住院后护理协调的看法有关:(a)出院后与临床医生的接触不理想,(b)感觉被临床医生忽视,(c)出院时需要信息和培训,(d)管理预约和药物的压倒性责任,以及(e)需要情感支持。这种荟萃综合的结果表明,临床医生需要与护理人员合作,在出院后提供支持、培训和沟通。




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