首页> 外文期刊>Oncology letters. >Inhibition of p38 MAPK increases the sensitivity of 5-fluorouracil-resistant SW480 human colon cancer cells to noscapine

Inhibition of p38 MAPK increases the sensitivity of 5-fluorouracil-resistant SW480 human colon cancer cells to noscapine

机译:抑制p38 MAPK可增加5-氟尿嘧啶耐药SW480人结肠癌细胞对noscapine的敏感性

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A major cause of treatment failure in advanced colon cancer is resistance to chemotherapy. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) has been associated with cellular apoptosis and plays an important role in multidrug resistance (MDR) in cancer cells. In the present study the effect of p38 MAPK on the sensitivity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-resistant SW480 (SW480/5-FU) human colon cancer cells to noscapine was investigated. Following p38 MAPK interference, the inhibitory effect of noscapine on cell viability and proliferation was increased in the SW480/5-FU cells and there was also a decrease in the expression level of minichromosome maintenance proteins, recombinant Ki-67 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Inhibition of p38 MAPK also enhanced noscapine-induced G1-phase cell cycle arrest in the SW480/5-FU cells and there was also a decrease in the protein and mRNA expression level of cyclin D, cyclin E and cyclin-dependent kinase 2, and an increase in the expression level of P57. Furthermore, p38 MAPK interference increased noscapine-induced apoptosis of the SW480/5-FU cells and there was an increase in the protein and mRNA expression level of caspases-3 and 8 and Bax, and decreased Bcl-2 expression level. The sensitivity of the SW480/5-FU cells to noscapine was also increased following p38 MAPK interference, as demonstrated by MDR inhibition via decreased Akt activity and reduced protein expression level of the MDR proteins P-glycoprotein, multidrug resistance protein 1 and ATP-binding cassette G2. These observations indicated that inhibition of p38 MAPK increased the sensitivity of the SW480/5-FU cells to noscapine by suppressing proliferation, induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, and reversal of MDR in the SW480/5-FU cells.
机译:晚期结肠癌治疗失败的一个主要原因是对化疗的耐药性。p38丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)与细胞凋亡有关,在癌细胞的多药耐药性(MDR)中起重要作用。本研究考察了p38 MAPK对5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)耐药SW480(SW480/5-FU)人结肠癌细胞对noscapine敏感性的影响。p38 MAPK干扰后,诺斯卡平对SW480/5-FU细胞活力和增殖的抑制作用增加,微小染色体维持蛋白、重组Ki-67和增殖细胞核抗原的表达水平也有所降低。抑制p38 MAPK还增强了noscapine诱导的SW480/5-FU细胞G1期细胞周期阻滞,细胞周期蛋白D、细胞周期蛋白E和细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶2的蛋白和mRNA表达水平降低,P57表达水平升高。此外,p38 MAPK干扰增加了noscapine诱导的SW480/5-FU细胞凋亡,caspases-3和8以及Bax的蛋白和mRNA表达水平升高,Bcl-2表达水平降低。在p38 MAPK干扰后,SW480/5-FU细胞对noscapine的敏感性也增加,这表现为通过降低Akt活性和降低MDR蛋白P-糖蛋白、多药耐药蛋白1和ATP结合盒G2的蛋白表达水平来抑制MDR。这些观察结果表明,抑制p38 MAPK通过抑制SW480/5-FU细胞的增殖、诱导细胞周期停滞和凋亡以及逆转MDR来增加SW480/5-FU细胞对noscapine的敏感性。




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