首页> 外文期刊>International journal of fuzzy system applications >Fuzzy Utility Matrix-Based Intelligent Decision-Making Model and Its Application to Diet Recommendation System for Metabolic Disorder Patients

Fuzzy Utility Matrix-Based Intelligent Decision-Making Model and Its Application to Diet Recommendation System for Metabolic Disorder Patients


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In the present article an effort has been made to design and develop a diet recommendation system for metabolic disorder patients. The key feature of this system is to recommend a menu for dinner to maintain nutritional micros as per daily requirements. The proposed intelligent decision-making system is designed as per the following phases: Under the 1st Phase, the authors compute the requirement of calories as per the patient's personal information (like sex, age, height, weight), physical activity, environmental situations, and food habits on a daily basis. Under the 2nd Phase, development of knowledge base as per patient's foods habits information. The 3rd Phase is based on designing the recommendation system for a dinner menu to maintain nutritional micros as per daily requirements. The results of the system have been validated by using the degree of match algorithm and comments of nutritional experts. This intelligent decision-making system will help the ordinary people living in urban and rural areas, especially those not aware of the nutritional value concerned with their daily food items.
机译:本文致力于为代谢紊乱患者设计和开发饮食推荐系统。该系统的主要特点是推荐晚餐菜单,以根据日常需求保持营养微量。所提出的智能决策系统按照以下阶段进行设计: 在第一阶段,作者根据患者的个人信息(如性别、年龄、身高、体重)、身体活动、环境状况和饮食习惯来计算卡路里的需求。在第二阶段,根据患者的饮食习惯信息开发知识库。第三阶段基于设计晚餐菜单的推荐系统,以保持日常需求的营养微量。该系统的结果已通过使用匹配度算法和营养专家的评论进行了验证。这种智能决策系统将帮助生活在城市和农村地区的普通人,特别是那些不了解日常食品营养价值的人。




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