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Addressing the mental health concerns of migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: An experiential account

机译:解决 COVID-19 大流行期间移民工人的心理健康问题:体验式叙述

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The COVID pandemic has affected the world in a drastic manner taking a toll of not only human lives but also the economy and lifestyle. Of all the population suffering, the underprivileged and vulnerable groups have faced the maximum economic burden. Within India, an ample quota of people migrates annually for elementary occupations in service, sales, building and domestic industries. Generally, they are exposed to discrimination, work-rights exploitation and job insecurity. The onset of COVID 19 has accentuated these issues in unprecedented ways. The Apex Court of the country took note of this plight and gave directions to the governments to take care of the immediate needs of the migrant workers. This article attempts to reflect the mental health concerns of the migrant workers who were temporarily sheltered at relief camps across Bengaluru city in the state of Karnataka, during the ongoing COVID pandemic. The article ends with giving recommendations
机译:新冠疫情对世界产生了巨大影响,不仅造成了人命损失,还造成了经济和生活方式的损失。在所有受苦受难的人口中,弱势群体面临的经济负担最大。在印度,每年有大量人口移民到服务业、销售业、建筑业和家政业等初级职业。一般来说,他们面临歧视、工作权利剥削和工作无保障。COVID 19 的爆发以前所未有的方式加剧了这些问题。该国最高法院注意到这一困境,并指示政府照顾移民工人的迫切需求。本文试图反映在持续的 COVID 大流行期间在卡纳塔克邦班加罗尔市的救济营临时避难的移民工人的心理健康问题。文章最后给出了建议




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