首页> 外文期刊>The Milbank quarterly. >Conceptualizing the Mechanisms of Social Determinants of Health: A Heuristic Framework to Inform Future Directions for Mitigation

Conceptualizing the Mechanisms of Social Determinants of Health: A Heuristic Framework to Inform Future Directions for Mitigation


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Policy Points A large body of scientific work examines the mechanisms through which social determinants of health (SDOH) shape health inequities. However, the nuances described in the literature are infrequently reflected in the applied frameworks that inform health policy and programming. We synthesize extant SDOH research into a heuristic framework that provides policymakers, practitioners, and researchers with a customizable template for conceptualizing and operationalizing key mechanisms that represent intervention opportunities for mitigating the impact of harmful SDOH. In light of scarce existing SDOH mitigation strategies, the framework addresses an important research‐to‐practice translation gap and missed opportunity for advancing health equity. Context The reduction of health inequities is a broad and interdisciplinary endeavor with implications for policy, research, and practice. Health inequities are most often understood as associated with the social determinants of health (SDOH). However, policy and programmatic frameworks for mitigation often rely on broad SDOH domains, without sufficient attention to the operating mechanisms, and effective SDOH mitigation strategies remain scarce. To expand the cadre of effective SDOH mitigation strategies, a practical, heuristic framework for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers is needed that serves as a roadmap for conceptualizing and targeting the key mechanisms of SDOH influence. Methods We conduct a critical review of the extant conceptual and empirical SDOH literature to identify unifying principles of SDOH mechanisms and to synthesize an integrated framework for conceptualizing such mechanisms. Findings We highlight eight unifying principles of SDOH mechanisms that emerge from landmark SDOH research. Building on these principles, we introduce and apply a conceptual model that synthesizes key SDOH mechanisms into one organizing, heuristic framework that provides policymakers, practitioners, and researchers with a customizable template for conceptualizing and operationalizing the key SDOH mechanisms that represent intervention opportunities to maximize potential impact for mitigating a given health inequity. Conclusions Our synthesis of the extant SDOH research into a heuristic framework addresses a scarcity of peer‐reviewed organizing frameworks of SDOH mechanisms designed to inform practice. The framework represents a practical tool to facilitate the translation of scholarly SDOH work into evidence‐based and targeted policy and programming. Such tools designed to close the research‐to‐practice translation gap for effective SDOH mitigation are sorely needed, given that health inequities in the United States and in many other parts of the world have widened over the past two decades.
机译:政策要点 大量科学工作研究了健康的社会决定因素(SDOH)形成健康不平等的机制。然而,文献中描述的细微差别很少反映在为卫生政策和规划提供信息的应用框架中。我们将现有的 SDOH 研究综合到一个启发式框架中,为政策制定者、从业者和研究人员提供了一个可定制的模板,用于概念化和操作代表减轻有害 SDOH 影响的干预机会的关键机制。鉴于现有的 SDOH 缓解策略稀缺,该框架解决了从研究到实践的重要转化差距和错失的促进健康公平的机会。背景 减少健康不平等是一项广泛的跨学科努力,对政策、研究和实践都有影响。健康不平等通常被理解为与健康的社会决定因素有关。然而,减缓的政策和规划框架往往依赖于广泛的SDOH领域,而没有充分关注运行机制,有效的SDOH缓解战略仍然稀缺。为了扩大有效的 SDOH 缓解策略的骨干队伍,需要为政策制定者、从业人员和研究人员建立一个实用的启发式框架,作为概念化和针对 SDOH 影响关键机制的路线图。方法 对现存的SDOH概念和实证文献进行批判性回顾,以确定SDOH机制的统一原则,并综合一个概念化这些机制的综合框架。研究结果 我们强调了具有里程碑意义的 SDOH 研究中出现的 SDOH 机制的八项统一原则。在这些原则的基础上,我们引入并应用了一个概念模型,该模型将关键的 SDOH 机制综合到一个有组织的启发式框架中,为政策制定者、从业者和研究人员提供了一个可定制的模板,用于概念化和操作代表干预机会的关键 SDOH 机制,以最大限度地发挥潜在影响,以减轻给定的健康不平等。结论 我们将现有的 SDOH 研究综合到启发式框架中,解决了旨在为实践提供信息的 SDOH 机制的同行评审组织框架的稀缺性。该框架代表了一种实用工具,可促进将SDOH的学术工作转化为基于证据和有针对性的政策和规划。鉴于美国和世界许多其他地区的健康不平等在过去二十年中不断扩大,迫切需要这些旨在缩小研究到实践转化差距以有效缓解 SDOH 的工具。




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