首页> 外文期刊>Gerodontology >Tooth loss severity and core and non‐core food consumption among older Brazilian adults

Tooth loss severity and core and non‐core food consumption among older Brazilian adults


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Objective To investigate the association between tooth loss severity and core and non‐core food consumption in the older Brazilian population. Methods We analysed data from 20?756 people aged 60?years or older who participated in the 2019 Brazilian National Health Survey. The average consumption days a week of core (8‐item) and non‐core (4‐item) foods were the outcomes, measured using a Food Frequency Questionnaire. Tooth loss severity was the main exposure, using a four‐category ordinal variable: mild (1‐12 teeth missing), moderate (13‐22), severe (23‐31) and edentulous (all 32). Sociodemographic, tobacco smoking, use of dental prosthesis, difficulty in chewing and systemic conditions were among the covariates. Linear regression models estimated the association between tooth loss and food consumption. Results Almost two‐thirds of participants had moderate or worse levels of tooth loss. Older adults with more severe tooth loss reported an overall lower consumption of core and higher non‐core foods than those with mild tooth loss. Worse tooth loss severity was associated with lower consumption of vegetables and/or legumes and fruits, and higher consumption of beans, artificial fruit juices and confectionery. Conclusions Older Brazilian adults with more severe tooth loss are consuming lower core and higher non‐core foods. Our findings reinforce the importance of the common risk factor approach to tackle the adverse effects of tooth loss on diet.
机译:目的 探讨巴西老年人牙脱落严重程度与核心和非核心食物摄入量的关系。方法 分析2019年巴西全国健康调查的20?756名60岁及以上人群的资料。每周平均食用核心(8 项)和非核心(4 项)食物的天数是结果,使用食物频率问卷测量。牙齿脱落的严重程度是主要的暴露,使用四类顺序变量:轻度(1-12 颗牙齿缺失)、中度(13-22 颗)、重度(23-31 颗)和无牙颌(全部 32 颗)。社会人口学、吸烟、使用假牙、咀嚼困难和全身性疾病是协变量。线性回归模型估计了牙齿脱落与食物消耗之间的关联。结果 近三分之二的参与者有中度或更严重的牙齿脱落。与轻度牙齿脱落的老年人相比,牙齿脱落更严重的老年人报告的总体核心食物消耗量较低,非核心食物的摄入量较高。更严重的牙齿脱落严重程度与蔬菜和/或豆类和水果的消费量较低,以及豆类、人造果汁和糖果的消费量较高有关。结论 牙齿脱落较严重的巴西老年人正在食用低核心和高非核心食物。我们的研究结果强调了常见风险因素方法在解决牙齿脱落对饮食的不利影响方面的重要性。




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