首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Early extubation to noninvasive respiratory support of former preterm lambs improves long-term respiratory outcomes

Early extubation to noninvasive respiratory support of former preterm lambs improves long-term respiratory outcomes


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Invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) and exposure to oxygen-rich gas during early postnatal life are contributing factors for long-term pulmonary morbidities faced by survivors of preterm birth and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The duration of IMV that leads to long-term pulmonary morbidities is unknown. We compared two durations of IMV (3 h vs. 6 days) during the first 6-7 days of postnatal life in preterm lambs to test the hypothesis that minimizing the duration of IMV will improve long-term respiratory system mechanics and structural outcomes later in life. Moderately preterm (approx85 gestation) lambs were supported by IMV for either 3h or 6 days before weaning from all respiratory support to become former preterm lambs. Respiratory system mechanics and airway reactivity were assessed monthly from 1 to 6 mo of chronological postnatal age by the forced oscillation technique. Quantitative morphological measurements were made for smooth muscle accumulation around terminal bronchioles and indices of alveolar formation. Minimizing IMV to 3h led to significantly better (P < 0.05) baseline respiratory system mechanics and less reactivity to methacholine in the first 3 mo of chronological age (2 mo corrected age), significantly less (P < 0.05) accumulation of smooth muscle around peripheral resistance airways (terminal bronchioles), and significantly better (P < 0.05) alveolarization at the end of 5 mo corrected age compared with continuous IMV for 6 days. We conclude that limiting the duration of IMV following preterm birth of fetal lambs leads to better respiratory system mechanics and structural outcomes later in life.
机译:有创机械通气 (IMV) 和出生后早期暴露于富氧气体是早产和支气管肺发育不良幸存者面临长期肺部疾病的促成因素。导致长期肺部疾病的 IMV 持续时间尚不清楚。我们比较了早产羔羊出生后前 6-7 天内的两个 IMV 持续时间(3 小时与 6 天),以检验以下假设:最小化 IMV 的持续时间将改善生命后期的长期呼吸系统力学和结构结果。中度早产(约85%妊娠)羔羊接受IMV支持3小时或6天,然后断奶所有呼吸支持,成为以前的早产羔羊。通过强制振荡技术每月评估呼吸系统力学和气道反应性,从实际出生年龄的 1 到 6 个月开始。对终末细支气管周围的平滑肌堆积和肺泡形成指数进行定量形态学测量。与连续 IMV 相比,将 IMV 最小化至 3 小时后,在实际年龄的前 3 个月(2 个月校正年龄)基线呼吸系统力学显着改善 (P < 0.05),对乙酰甲胆碱的反应性降低,外周阻力气道(终末细支气管)周围平滑肌的积累显着减少 (P < 0.05),并且在 5 个月矫正年龄结束时肺泡化显着改善 (P < 0.05)。我们得出的结论是,限制胎儿羔羊早产后 IMV 的持续时间会导致更好的呼吸系统力学和晚年结构结果。




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