首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Medicine >Bacterial Cholecystitis and Cholangiohepatitis in Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)

Bacterial Cholecystitis and Cholangiohepatitis in Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)

机译:常见狨猴(Callithrix jacchus)的细菌性胆囊炎和胆管肝炎

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The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a New World NHP, has emerged as important animal model in multiple areas of translational biomedical research. The quality of translational research in marmosets depends on early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of their spontaneous diseases. Here, we characterize an outbreak of infectious cholangiohepatitis that affected 7 adult common marmosets in a single building over a 10-mo period. Marmosets presented for acute onset of lethargy, dull mentation, weight loss, dehydration, hyporexia, and hypothermia. Blood chemistries at presentation revealed markedly elevated hepatic and biliary enzymes, but mild neutrophilia was detected in only 1 of the 7. Affected marmosets were unresponsive to rigorous treatment and died or were euthanized within 48 h of presentation. Gross and histopathologic examinations revealed severe, necrosuppurative cholangiohepatitis and proliferative cholecystitis with bacterial colonies and an absence of gallstones. Perimortem and postmortem cultures revealed single or dual isolates of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Other postmortem findings included bile duct hyperplasia, periportal hepatitis, bile peritonitis, ulcerative gastroenteritis, and typhlitis. Environmental contamination of water supply equipment with Pseudomonas spp. was identified as the source of infection, but pathogenesis remains unclear. This type of severe, infectious cholangiohepatitis with proliferative cholecystitis with Pseudomonas spp. had not been reported previously in marmosets, and we identified and here describe several contributing factors in addition to contaminated drinking water.
机译:普通狨猴(Callithrix jacchus)是一种新世界非人灵长类动物,已成为转化生物医学研究多个领域的重要动物模型。狨猴转化研究的质量取决于其自发性疾病的早期诊断、治疗和预防。在这里,我们描述了传染性胆管肝炎的爆发,该爆发在 10 个月的时间内影响了一栋建筑物中的 7 只成年普通狨猴。狨猴表现为嗜睡、精神迟钝、体重减轻、脱水、低食和体温过低的急性发作。就诊时的血液生化检查显示肝酶和胆道酶显著升高,但 7 例患者中仅 1 例检测到轻度中性粒细胞增多。受影响的狨猴对严格的治疗无反应,并在就诊后 48 小时内死亡或被安乐死。大体和组织病理学检查显示重度坏死性胆管肝炎和增殖性胆囊炎伴细菌菌落,无胆结石。围尸和尸后培养显示大肠杆菌和铜绿假单胞菌的单株或双分离株。其他尸检结果包括胆管增生、门静脉周围肝炎、胆汁性腹膜炎、溃疡性胃肠炎和伤寒炎。供水设备的环境污染被确定为感染源,但发病机制尚不清楚。这种严重的传染性胆管肝炎伴增殖性胆囊炎伴假单胞菌属,以前在狨猴中没有报道过,我们确定并在这里描述了除受污染的饮用水之外的几个促成因素。




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