首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Coral Disease and Ingestion: Investigating the Role of Heterotrophy in the Transmission of Pathogenic Vibrio spp. using a Sea Anemone (Exaiptasia pallida) Model System

Coral Disease and Ingestion: Investigating the Role of Heterotrophy in the Transmission of Pathogenic Vibrio spp. using a Sea Anemone (Exaiptasia pallida) Model System

机译:珊瑚病和摄入:使用海葵 (Exaiptasia pallida) 模型系统研究异养在致病性弧菌属传播中的作用

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The front line of pathogen defense in corals is the mucus membrane. This membrane coats the surface body wall creating a semi-impermeable layer that inhibits pathogen entry from the ambient water both physically and biologically through mutualistic antagonism from resident mucus microbes. Understanding disease transmission in corals can be complicated given the intricacy of the holobiont and difficulties associated with ex situ coral cultivation. As a result, most of the established transmission pathways for coral disease are associated with perturbance (i.e., damage) rather than evasion of immune defenses. Here, we investigate ingestion as a potential pathway for the transmission of coral pathogens that evades the mucus membrane. Using sea anemones (Exaiptasia pallida) and brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) to model coral feeding, we tracked the acquisition of the putative pathogens, Vibrio alginolyticus, V. harveyi, and V. mediterranei using GFP-tagged strains. Vibrio sp. were provided to anemones using 3 experimental exposures (i) direct water exposure alone, (ii) water exposure in the presence of a food source (non-spiked Artemia), and (iii) through a "spiked" food source (Vibrio-colonized Artemia) created by exposing Artemia cultures to GFP-Vibrio via the ambient water overnight. Following a 3 h feeding/exposure duration, the level of acquired GFP-Vibrio was quantified from anemone tissue homogenate. Ingestion of spiked Artemia resulted in a significantly greater burden of GFP-Vibrio equating to an 830-fold, 3,108-fold, and 435-fold increase in CFU mL(-1) when compared to water exposed trials and a 207-fold, 62-fold, and 27-fold increase in CFU mL(-1) compared to water exposed with food trials for V. alginolyticus, V. harveyi, and V. mediterranei, respectively. These data suggest that ingestion can facilitate delivery of an elevated dose of pathogenic bacteria in cnidarians and may describe an important portal of entry for pathogens in the absence of perturbing conditions.IMPORTANCE The front line of pathogen defense in corals is the mucus membrane. This membrane coats the surface body wall creating a semi-impermeable layer that inhibits pathogen entry from the ambient water both physically and biologically through mutualistic antagonism from resident mucus microbes. To date, much of the coral disease transmission research has been focused on mechanisms associated with perturbance of this membrane such as direct contact, vector lesions (predation/biting), and waterborne exposure through preexisting lesions. The present research describes a potential transmission pathway that evades the defenses provided by this membrane allowing unencumbered entry of bacteria as in association with food. This pathway may explain an important portal of entry for emergence of idiopathic infections in otherwise healthy corals and can be used to improve management practices for coral conservation.
机译:珊瑚中病原体防御的前线是粘膜。这种膜覆盖在体壁表面,形成一个半不透水的层,通过常驻粘液微生物的共生拮抗作用,在物理和生物学上抑制病原体从环境水中进入。鉴于全息生物的复杂性以及与迁地珊瑚养殖相关的困难,了解珊瑚中的疾病传播可能很复杂。因此,大多数已建立的珊瑚病传播途径都与扰动(即损伤)有关,而不是逃避免疫防御。在这里,我们研究了摄入作为逃避粘膜的珊瑚病原体传播的潜在途径。使用海葵 (Exaiptasia pallida) 和盐水虾 (Artemia sp.) 来模拟珊瑚摄食,我们使用 GFP 标记的菌株跟踪了推定的病原体、溶藻弧菌、哈维弧菌和地中海弧菌的获得。使用 3 次实验暴露向海葵提供弧菌属 (i) 单独直接接触水,(ii) 在存在食物源(非加标卤虫)的情况下暴露于水,以及 (iii) 通过“加标”食物源(弧菌定植卤虫)通过将卤虫培养物暴露于环境水过夜的 GFP-弧菌。在喂养/暴露持续时间 3 小时后,从海葵组织匀浆中量化获得的 GFP-弧菌水平。摄入加标卤虫导致 GFP-弧菌负担显着增加,相当于 CFU mL(-1) 增加 830 倍、3,108 倍和 435 倍,与暴露于水的试验相比,CFU mL(-1) 增加 207 倍、62 倍和 27 倍溶藻弧菌的食物试验, 分别是 V. harveyi 和 V. mediterranei。这些数据表明,摄入可以促进刺胞动物中高剂量致病细菌的递送,并可能描述在没有干扰条件的情况下病原体的重要进入门户。重要性 珊瑚病原体防御的前线是粘膜。这种膜覆盖在体壁表面,形成一个半不透水的层,通过常驻粘液微生物的共生拮抗作用,在物理和生物学上抑制病原体从环境水中进入。迄今为止,许多珊瑚病传播研究都集中在与该膜扰动相关的机制上,例如直接接触、媒介病变(捕食/叮咬)以及通过预先存在的病变暴露于水。本研究描述了一种潜在的传播途径,该途径逃避了该膜提供的防御,允许细菌不受阻碍地进入,就像与食物有关一样。该途径可以解释在其他健康的珊瑚中出现特发性感染的重要入口,并可用于改善珊瑚保护的管理实践。




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