首页> 外文期刊>Reliability engineering & system safety >A graph embedded in graph framework with dual-sequence input for efficient anomaly detection of complex equipment under insufficient samples

A graph embedded in graph framework with dual-sequence input for efficient anomaly detection of complex equipment under insufficient samples


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? 2023 Elsevier LtdReal-time anomaly detection is essential for the safe launch of some sophisticated equipment, such as liquid rocket engines (LRE), in order to head off disasters. However, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) edge's real-time requirements cannot be addressed by the present methodologies, and the outcome is poor when dealing with a lack of training samples on the device side. We provide a solution for device-side real-time anomaly detection using the architecture known as Graph Embedded in Graph Networks to address these issues (GG-Nets). To fully extract features under insufficient training data, in our method, we learn the temporal relationship of timestamps in the multivariate signal through a time-series graph attention network (T-GAT) and extract features, and use the extracted features to replace the original signal as the information of the sensor attention network (S-GAT) nodes. For efficiency, the signals in the original sample are divided into odd and even sequences, which greatly reduces the number of nodes in the T-GAT. Experiments reveal that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art models on the LRE ignition dataset. Furthermore, the ablation experiment proves that each module of the model improves the effect and extensive discussions explore interpretability. Our code can be found on: https://github.com/yhd-ai/GG-Nets.
机译:?2023 Elsevier Ltd实时异常检测对于一些复杂设备(如液体火箭发动机 (LRE))的安全发射至关重要,以阻止灾难。然而,目前的方法无法满足工业物联网(IIoT)边缘的实时性要求,并且在处理设备侧缺乏训练样本时,结果很差。我们提供了一种设备端实时异常检测解决方案,使用称为图形网络中的图形嵌入架构(GG-Nets)来解决这些问题。为了在训练数据不足的情况下充分提取特征,我们通过时间序列图注意力网络(T-GAT)学习多变量信号中时间戳的时间关系并提取特征,并使用提取的特征替换原始信号作为传感器注意力网络(S-GAT)节点的信息。为了提高效率,原始样本中的信号被划分为奇数和偶数序列,这大大减少了T-GAT中的节点数量。实验表明,所提方法在LRE点火数据集上优于其他最先进的模型。此外,消融实验证明了模型的每个模块都提高了效果,并进行了广泛的讨论,探索了可解释性。我们的代码可以在以下位置找到:https://github.com/yhd-ai/GG-Nets。




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