首页> 外文期刊>Innovation and Development >Innovation in developing countries: examining two decades of research

Innovation in developing countries: examining two decades of research


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This article examines how the literature on innovation in developing countries has developed in the social science-related disciplines over the last two decades. While increasing fourfold in the last decade compared to the decade before, the bulk is on middle-income emerging economies. These emerging economies, especially China, increasingly shape the thematic orientation of the literature. In this respect, low-income countries remain marginal, and research on them is rather fragmented. Furthermore, new disciplinary fields that did not exist or were small 20 years ago have been central in the literature's overall advance. Yet, it is mainly informed by theoretical concepts developed in the rich world and outside innovation and development studies. However, we argue that the innovation and development research community is well positioned to inform this increasing interest in innovation in developing countries. To do so, it should strengthen its core with grounded theory building, seek complementarities with other theoretical traditions, and endorse openness and collaboration with development research in domains such as agriculture, energy and health. This may strengthen the ability of the community to better inform policies for societal change.




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