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Coterra Boosts Output Guidance on Productivity Gains

机译:Coterra 提高产量指导,提高生产率

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US shale producer Coterra Energy said Tuesday that it has increased its 2023 oil and natural gas production guidance due to wellproductivity that has “exceeded our expectations.” The Houston-based EP said it produced 2.9 billion cubic feet per day of gas and 95,800 barrels per day of oil in the second quarter,beating its top-end guidance of 2.85 Bcf/d and 91,500 b/d. The April-June “beat was driven by many factors, including optimization of completion design, spacing, landing zone selection andbetter-than-expected performance from a project of three-mile laterals,” CEO Tom Jorden told investors during the company’s second-quarter earnings call on Tuesday. “Our go-forward well productivity should closely approximate current trends in the coming years.”
机译:美国页岩油生产商Coterra Energy周二表示,由于油井生产率“超出了我们的预期”,该公司已上调了2023年的石油和天然气产量指引。总部位于休斯顿的勘探与生产公司表示,该公司第二季度每天生产29亿立方英尺天然气和95,800桶石油,超过其2.85亿立方英尺/日和91,500桶/日的高端指引。4月至6月的业绩“受到许多因素的推动,包括完工设计、间距、着陆区选择的优化以及三英里支线项目优于预期的性能,”首席执行官汤姆·乔登(Tom Jorden)在周二的公司第二季度财报电话会议上告诉投资者。“我们未来的油井生产率应该非常接近未来几年的当前趋势。”




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