首页> 外文期刊>Integrative zoology >Cetacean occurrence and diversity in whale-watching waters off Mirissa, Southern Sri Lanka

Cetacean occurrence and diversity in whale-watching waters off Mirissa, Southern Sri Lanka


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Scientific information is vital to the conservation of cetaceans and the management of whale-watching activities. The southern coastal waters of Sri Lanka are near a narrow continental shelf and biologically abundant in cetacean species. Although theoccurrence of cetaceans has been investigated in certain waters of Sri Lanka, few surveys have been conducted along the southern coast. To fill this gap, we conducted boat-based surveys from January to May 2017 to investigate the occurrence, diversity, and behavior of cetaceans in the waters off Mirissa, covering a survey area of 788.9 km2. During 55 survey days, we recorded a total of 242 cetacean sightings and identified at least 9 species (3 mysticetes and 6 odontocetes). The blue whale was the mostcommon mysticete species (167 of 174 mysticete encounters), followed by the Omura's whale (4 of 174) and Bryde's whale (3 of 174). The spinner dolphin was the most common odontocete species (28 of 68 odontocete encounters), followed by the sperm whale (18 of 68), common bottlenose dolphin (13 of 68), short-finned pilot whale (5 of 68), melon-headed whale (2 of 68), and killer whale. Blue whales and sperm whales exhibited a clear preference for outer shelf and high slope areas, and blue whales were observed feeding along these waters. The present study provides near-baseline information on cetacean occurrence and diversity in whale-watching waters off southern Sri Lanka, and highlights the urgent need for proper management strategies for whale-watchingactivities.
机译:科学信息对于鲸目动物的保护和管理观鲸活动至关重要。斯里兰卡南部沿海水域靠近狭窄的大陆架,生物上富含鲸类物种。虽然在斯里兰卡的某些水域已经调查了鲸目动物的出现,但在南部海岸进行的调查很少。为了填补这一空白,我们在2017年1月至5月期间进行了基于船只的调查,以调查美蕊莎附近海域鲸类动物的发生、多样性和行为,调查面积为788.9 km2。在 55 个调查日中,我们共记录了 242 次鲸目动物目击事件,并确定了至少 9 种(3 种神秘动物和 6 种齿动物)。蓝鲸是最常见的神秘物种(174 次神秘遭遇中的 167 次),其次是大村鲸(174 次中的 4 次)和布氏鲸(174 次中的 3 次)。飞旋海豚是最常见的齿鲸物种(68 次齿鲸中的 28 次),其次是抹香鲸(68 次中的 18 次)、普通宽吻海豚(68 次中的 13 次)、短鳍领航鲸(68 次中的 5 次)、瓜头鲸(68 次中的 2 次)和虎鲸。蓝鲸和抹香鲸对外层大陆架和高坡度地区表现出明显的偏好,观察到蓝鲸在这些水域觅食。本研究提供了关于斯里兰卡南部观鲸水域鲸目动物的出现和多样性的接近基线的信息,并强调迫切需要为观鲸活动制定适当的管理战略。




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