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Solving the salmon riddle:Td help conserve wild fish, farmers need to contribute more than funding alone


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THIS month the editor had asked me to write about the Scottish Government's response to the Salmon Interactions Working Group (SIWG). From day one I was never a great fan of this forum, especially because its remit began with acceptance that salmon farming has an impact on wild fish numbers. I think there is still much to debate before subscribing to this theory. For example, I am still waiting for anyone from to explain how the graph below demonstrates salmon farming is responsible for the decline of, in this case, sea trout numbers.The graph is constructed from official government catch data for sea trout from 1952 when records first began. It is clear that sea trout catches were in decline for the 30 years prior to the commercialisation of salmon farming. Could it be that the decline after the 1980s was due to the same causes as before the arrival of salmon farming. It seems no one wants to discuss such possibilities simply because they do not support the "salmon farming is to blame" narrative.
机译:本月,编辑要求我写一篇关于苏格兰政府对鲑鱼相互作用工作组(SIWG)的回应。从第一天起,我就不是这个论坛的忠实粉丝,特别是因为它的职权范围始于接受鲑鱼养殖对野生鱼类数量的影响。我认为在赞同这一理论之前,还有很多值得商榷的地方。例如,我仍在等待任何人解释下图如何证明鲑鱼养殖是导致海鳟鱼数量下降的原因。该图表是根据 1952 年首次有记录的海鳟鱼官方捕获数据构建的。很明显,在鲑鱼养殖商业化之前的30年里,海鳟鱼的捕捞量一直在下降。难道1980年代之后的下降是由于与鲑鱼养殖到来之前相同的原因造成的。似乎没有人愿意讨论这种可能性,仅仅因为他们不支持“鲑鱼养殖是罪魁祸首”的说法。




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