首页> 外文期刊>Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease >Diagnostic approach and epidemiology of Microbial Keratitis: findings from an Italian Tertiary Care center.

Diagnostic approach and epidemiology of Microbial Keratitis: findings from an Italian Tertiary Care center.


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Rapid identification of causative microorganisms of microbial keratitis (MK) and knowledge of the most common local pathogens are prerequisites for rational antimicrobial therapy. We retrospectively reviewed the characteristics of MK diagnosed at the IRCCS Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova of Reggio Emilia (Italy) in a 5-years period, where the Ophthalmologist Unit is a reference center for corneal infections. During the study period, 183 MK were evaluated through corneal scrapings cultures. The positivity rate was 54,1. A total of 107 microorganisms have been isolated: Acanthamoeba species was the etiologic agent in 19 cases. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus were more frequently isolated in bacterial keratitis, while Fusarium spp., Candida albicans, and Alternaria alternata were predominant among the fungal isolates. Strict cooperation between ophthalmologists and clinical microbiologists is advisable to allow the best diag-nostic approach for MK. (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
机译:快速鉴定微生物性角膜炎 (MK) 的致病微生物和了解最常见的局部病原体是合理抗菌治疗的先决条件。我们回顾性回顾了 5 年内在雷焦艾米利亚(意大利)的 IRCCS Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova 诊断出的 MK 特征,其中眼科科是角膜感染的参考中心。在研究期间,通过角膜刮片培养评估了 183 名 MK。阳性率为54,1%。共分离出107种微生物:棘阿米巴属为病原体19例。铜绿假单胞菌和金黄色葡萄球菌在细菌性角膜炎中分离率更高,而真菌分离株中镰刀菌属、白色念珠菌和链格孢菌占主导地位。建议眼科医生和临床微生物学家之间严格合作,以便为 MK 提供最佳诊断方法。 (c) 2021 年作者。由以下开发商制作:Elsevier Inc.这是一篇采用 CC BY-NC-ND 许可 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) 的开放获取文章




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