首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science >Infrared spectroscopy as a tool to evaluate pine woods treated by in situ polymerization with three different precursors and decayed by a white-rot fungus

Infrared spectroscopy as a tool to evaluate pine woods treated by in situ polymerization with three different precursors and decayed by a white-rot fungus

机译:Infrared spectroscopy as a tool to evaluate pine woods treated by in situ polymerization with three different precursors and decayed by a white-rot fungus

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This study addresses the use of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) as a characterization tool to evaluate fast-growing pine woods treated by in situ polymerization with three different precursors and then subjected to biodeterioration using a white-rot fungus. The solution treatments consisted of three concentrations of furfuryl alcohol (c.a. 25%, 50%, and 75%), methyl methacrylate, and styrene. The decay assays were performed using a white-rot fungus (Trametes versicolor), and the decayed woods were evaluated at three layers (c.a. bottom, middle, and top surface). Attenuated and shifted bands suggest that the fungus penetrated from the top surface of the untreated pine wood and remained at the middle layer, wherein caused the most severe damages. Regarding the treated woods, the middle and bottom layers remained unchanged in terms of infrared spectra, which suggest that the biodeterioration occurred mostly in the surface in these cases. In general, the FTIR proved to be a rapid and efficient non-destructive technique to analyse those woods studied here.




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