首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Antibacterial Activity of Bacillus inaquosorum Strain T1 against pirAB(Vp)-Bearing Vibrio parahaemolyticus: Genetic and Physiological Characterization

Antibacterial Activity of Bacillus inaquosorum Strain T1 against pirAB(Vp)-Bearing Vibrio parahaemolyticus: Genetic and Physiological Characterization

机译:无核芽孢杆菌菌株 T1 对含有 pirAB(Vp) 的副溶血性弧菌的抗菌活性:遗传和生理学特征

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Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) is caused by PirAB toxin-producing Vibrio parahaemolyticus and has devastated the global shrimp aquaculture industry. One approach for preventing the growth of AHPND-producing Vibrio spp. is through the application of beneficial bacteria capable of inhibiting these pathogens. In this study, we focused on the inhibitory activity of Bacillus inaquosorum strain T1, which hinders V. parahaemolyticus growth in coculture experiments in a density-dependent manner; inhibition was also observed using cell-free supernatants from T1 stationary-phase cultures. Using mariner-based transposon mutagenesis, 17 mutants having a complete or partial loss of inhibitory activity were identified. Of those displaying a total loss of activity, 13 had insertions within a 42.6-kb DNA region comprising 15 genes whose deduced products were homologous to nonribosomal polypeptide synthetases (NRPSs), polyketide synthases (PKSs), and related activities, which were mapped as one transcriptional unit. Mutants with partial activity contained insertions in spo0A and oppA, indicating stationary-phase control. The levels of expression of NRPS and PKS lacZ transcriptional fusions were negligible during growth and were the highest during early stationary phase. Inactivation of sigH resulted in a loss of inhibitor activity, indicating a role for sigma(H) in transcription. Disruption of abrB resulted in NRPS and PKS gene overexpression during growth as well as enhanced growth inhibition. Our characterization of the expression and control of an NRPS-PKS gene cluster in B. inaquosorum T1 provides an understanding of the factors involved in inhibitor production, enabling this strain's development for use as a tool against AHPND-causing Vibrio pathogens in shrimp aquaculture.
机译:急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)是由产生PirAB毒素的副溶血性弧菌引起的,并摧毁了全球对虾养殖业。防止产生AHPND的弧菌属生长的一种方法是通过施用能够抑制这些病原体的有益细菌。本研究重点研究了无血芽孢杆菌T1菌株的抑制活性,该菌株在共培养实验中以密度依赖性方式阻碍副溶血弧菌的生长;使用来自T1固定相培养物的游离上清液也观察到抑制。使用基于水手的转座子诱变,鉴定出 17 个完全或部分丧失抑制活性的突变体。在表现出完全丧失活性的基因中,有 13 个插入了 42.6 kb 的 DNA 区域,该区域由 15 个基因组成,其推断产物与非核糖体多肽合成酶 (NRPS)、聚酮合酶 (PKS) 和相关活性同源,这些基因被定位为一个转录单元。具有部分活性的突变体含有spo0A和oppA插入,表明固定相控制。NRPS和PKS lacZ转录融合的表达水平在生长过程中可以忽略不计,在早期固定期最高。sigH 失活导致抑制剂活性丧失,表明 sigma(H) 在转录中的作用。abrB的破坏导致NRPS和PKS基因在生长过程中过表达,并增强生长抑制。我们对 B. inaquosorum T1 中 NRPS-PKS 基因簇的表达和控制的表征提供了对抑制剂产生相关因素的理解,使该菌株能够开发用作对抗对虾养殖中引起 AHPND 的弧菌病原体的工具。




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