首页> 外文期刊>The coleopterist >A modern record for Ophonus melletii (Heer) (Carabidae) in Cornwall and comments on its habitat and foodplant associations

A modern record for Ophonus melletii (Heer) (Carabidae) in Cornwall and comments on its habitat and foodplant associations

机译:康沃尔郡 Ophonus melletii (Heer) (Carabidae) 的现代记录及其栖息地和食用植物协会的评论

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A single specimen of Ophonus melletii (Heer) was swept from stands of golden samphire Inula crithmoides in the upper splash zone of the rocky sea cliffs of Dinas Head on the exposed western side of Trevose Head in the civil parish of St Merryn on the north Cornish coast (SW8476, VC 1), 1 August 2017. Interestingly Blair (1931) reported finding one 'under a stone' at St Merryn in 1925, suggesting that a population had survived in this area for over 90 years before it was detected once again. Although known from six hectads in the county this is the first record since 1981 when David Sheppard (1986) recorded it from maritime heath on Predannack Cliffs during his survey project on the invertebrates of the Lizard heaths. Although this site lies within the Trevose Head and Constantine Bay SSSI, the citation does not acknowledge any invertebrate interest. The species has been assessed as Near Threatened in Britain (Telfer, 2016) and so all new records are worthy of publication, and especially those with habitat details.
机译:2017 年 8 月 1 日,在康沃尔北部海岸圣梅林民事教区 (SW8476, VC 1) 的特雷沃斯角裸露西侧,迪纳斯角岩石海崖上部飞溅区的金色海蓬子 Inula crithmoides 中被扫出一个标本 (SW8476, VC 1)。有趣的是,布莱尔(1931)报告说,1925年在圣梅林的“石头下”发现了一个,这表明在再次被发现之前,一个种群已经在该地区生存了90多年。虽然从该县的六公顷土地上得知,但这是自 1981 年以来的首次记录,当时 David Sheppard (1986) 在他对蜥蜴荒地无脊椎动物的调查项目中从 Predannack Cliffs 的海洋荒地记录了它。尽管该地点位于Trevose Head和Constantine Bay SSSI内,但引文并未承认任何无脊椎动物的兴趣。该物种在英国被评估为近危物种(Telfer,2016),因此所有新记录都值得发表,尤其是那些有栖息地细节的记录。




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