
Rethinking endometriosis and pelvic pain


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Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside of the uterine cavity that can lead to pelvic pain and infertility (1). Clinical histories consistent with endometriosis can be found dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries (2). In 1899, Russel first described and illustrated the presence of endometrial tissue within an ovary (3). In 1921, Sampson published his first case series of 23 patients with ovarian endometriomas and posited the theory of retrograde menstruation (4). Endometriosis affects up to 10-15 of women of reproductive age (1). Despite this prevalence and ongoing research efforts, much about endometriosis remains an enigma, including its variability in symptoms and progression of disease, underlying pain mechanisms, effect on fertility, and response to treatment. After more than one hundred years of experience with endometriosis, why do we understand so little? To move the field forward, perhaps it's time to take a step back, pause, and reconsider critical issues related to endometriosis. What's in a name? In medical school, we are taught the "classic" phenotype of endometriosis - early onset of severe menstrual period pain (dysmenorrhea) that often progresses to include noncyclic pain - as well as the 3 "dys's," i.e., dyschezia (pain when defecating that may be accompanied by changes in frequency of bowel movement), dyspareunia (persistent or recurrent vaginal pain ...
机译:子宫内膜异位症被定义为子宫腔外存在子宫内膜腺体和间质,可导致盆腔疼痛和不孕症(1)。与子宫内膜异位症一致的临床病史可追溯到 17 世纪和 18 世纪 (2)。1899 年,Russel 首次描述并说明了卵巢内子宫内膜组织的存在 (3)。1921 年,Sampson 发表了他的第一个 23 例卵巢子宫内膜异位症患者的病例系列,并提出了月经逆行理论 (4)。子宫内膜异位症影响多达10%-15%的育龄妇女(1)。尽管有这种患病率和正在进行的研究工作,但关于子宫内膜异位症的许多内容仍然是一个谜,包括其症状和疾病进展的可变性、潜在的疼痛机制、对生育能力的影响以及对治疗的反应。在经历了一百多年的子宫内膜异位症之后,为什么我们对子宫内膜异位症的了解如此之少?为了推动该领域向前发展,也许是时候退后一步,暂停并重新考虑与子宫内膜异位症相关的关键问题了。名字里有什么?在医学院,我们被教导子宫内膜异位症的“经典”表型——严重月经期疼痛(痛经)的早期发作,通常进展为包括非周期性疼痛——以及 3 种“痛觉”,即排便困难(排便时疼痛可能伴有排便频率的变化)、痛(持续或复发性阴道疼痛 [...]




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