首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Population Size and Habitat Occupancy by the Endangered Mariana Crow(1)

Population Size and Habitat Occupancy by the Endangered Mariana Crow(1)


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I present data on the Mariana Crow for an extensive but previously unavailable set of population and habitat surveys from 1992 to 1993. From these, I (1) compute a series of population estimates from that period during which MarianaCrownumbers were first entering a precipitous decline, (2) quantitatively assess the habitats occupied by individual birds and thereby provide a view of the range of habitats occupied during a timewhen the species was still widespread, and (3) provide the first direct wet-dry season comparisons of populations and habitat occupancy. Surveys yielded significantly different wet (943) and dry season (459) population estimates, which suggested wet season courtship activity preceding dry season nesting when birds became more secretive. Moreover, they indicated that the critical turning point in population decline was after 1995. Forest was the principal habitat type occupied during both wet and dry seasons, with savanna present less thanhalf as oftenas forest, althoughbirds occupieda range of additional habitats. The specieswasmore versatile in habitat use than is often assumed, as rates of habitat occupancy and availability were similar. Versatility is an advantage for populations confined to small islands that periodically suffer catastrophic habitat damage due to typhoons.




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