首页> 外文期刊>Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), Series A. Civil, architectural, environmental and agricultural engineering >Pedestrian Conflict Yielding Behaviour at Uncontrolled T-Intersections: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach

Pedestrian Conflict Yielding Behaviour at Uncontrolled T-Intersections: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach

机译:Pedestrian Conflict Yielding Behaviour at Uncontrolled T-Intersections: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach

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An uncontrolled intersection increases the possibility of road user disputes between pedestrians and vehicles crossing the road concurrently. Conflicts would erupt if their motions stayed unchanged. When there is a dispute, pedestrians or drivers will change their activities to avoid an accident, which is known as the conflict yielding Behaviour of pedestrians or drivers. Pedestrians' conflict yielding attitudes significantly impact traffic safety at intersection crossings. This research investigates the factors that influence pedestrians' conflict yielding Behaviour at uncontrolled T-intersections. These factors may be classified into two categories: vehicle characteristics and pedestrian characteristics. A multinomial logistic regression was performed on the pedestrian conflict yielding Behaviour data concerning various influencing factors to check out the most significant factors. Five out of eight criteria affect pedestrian conflict yielding behaviour viz; conflicting vehicle, the distance between conflicting vehicles and crossing pedestrians, vehicles' conflicting Behaviour, the number of crossing pedestrians in a single time frame, and pedestrian age. The findings also demonstrated that pedestrian conflict yielding Behaviour is characterized by waiting, decelerating, and maintaining a constant pace. Acceleration and path-changing Behaviours are quite unusual. The findings imply that if the distance between the conflicting vehicle and the conflicting pedestrian is large or medium, pedestrians choose to maintain or accelerate their speed rather than wait. When the distance is short, however, pedestrians choose to wait.




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