首页> 外文期刊>Orthopaedics and trauma >Oncological treatment of bone tumours and bone metastases

Oncological treatment of bone tumours and bone metastases

机译:Oncological treatment of bone tumours and bone metastases

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Abstract The majority of patients with a malignant bone lesion will have bone metastases from a distant primary tumour. This could be apparent at diagnosis or develop later in the course of the disease. Some primary tumour types are more likely than others to develop bone secondaries. This common clinical problem requires a multidisciplinary approach in order to reduce patient suffering and maintain quality of life. Almost all patients with metastatic bone disease will have incurable cancer and this needs to be acknowledged when considering treatment options. Conversely primary malignant bone tumours are relatively rare conditions and thus need to be managed by specialist centres. Multimodality, multiprofessional treatment is required which may last for many months and can be associated with considerable toxicity. Patients with localized disease can be cured but there remains a high risk of both local recurrence and metastases.




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