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Critical Information from High Fidelity Arterial and Venous Pressure Waveforms During Anesthesia and Hemorrhage


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Purpose Peripheral venous pressure (PVP) waveform analysis is a novel, minimally invasive, and inexpensive method of measuring intravascular volume changes. A porcine cohort was studied to determine how venous and arterial pressure waveforms change due to inhaled and infused anesthetics and acute hemorrhage. Methods Venous and arterial pressure waveforms were continuously collected, while each pig was under general anesthesia, by inserting Millar catheters into a neighboring peripheral artery and vein. The anesthetic was varied from inhaled to infused, then the pig underwent a controlled hemorrhage. Pearson correlation coefficients between the power of the venous and arterial pressure waveforms at each pig's heart rate frequency were calculated for each variation in the anesthetic, as well as before and after hemorrhage. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was computed to determine the significance in changes of the venous pressure waveform means caused by each variation. Results The Pearson correlation coefficients between venous and arterial waveforms decreased as anesthetic dosage increased. In an opposing fashion, the correlation coefficients increased as hemorrhage occurred. Conclusion Anesthetics and hemorrhage alter venous pressure waveforms in distinctly different ways, making it critical for researchers and clinicians to consider these confounding variables when utilizing pressure waveforms. Further work needs to be done to determine how best to integrate PVP waveforms into clinical decision-making.
机译:目的 外周静脉压 (PVP) 波形分析是一种新型、微创且廉价的测量血管内容量变化的方法。对猪队列进行了研究,以确定静脉和动脉压波形如何因吸入和输注麻醉剂以及急性出血而变化。方法 在全身麻醉下,将Millar导管插入邻近的外周动脉和静脉,连续采集每头猪的静脉和动脉压力波形。麻醉剂从吸入到输注不等,然后猪经历了控制出血。计算每头猪心率频率下静脉压和动脉压波形功率之间的皮尔逊相关系数,以达到麻醉剂的每次变化,以及出血前后的频率。计算方差分析(ANOVA)检验,以确定每个变化引起的静脉压力波形均值变化的显著性。结果 静脉波形与动脉波形的Pearson相关系数随麻醉剂量的增加而减小。相反,相关系数随着出血的发生而增加。结论 麻醉剂和出血以截然不同的方式改变静脉压力波形,因此研究人员和临床医生在利用压力波形时考虑这些混杂变量至关重要。需要做进一步的工作来确定如何最好地将PVP波形整合到临床决策中。




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