首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Improved ET assimilation through incorporating SMAP soil moisture observations using a coupled process model: A study of U.S. arid and semiarid regions

Improved ET assimilation through incorporating SMAP soil moisture observations using a coupled process model: A study of U.S. arid and semiarid regions


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An accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential for characterizing the water budget in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Although various soil moisture data have been used to improve the hydrological process modeling, only a few studies improved ET estimation at a global scale by utilizing satellite soil moisture active passive SMAP data, particularly targeting arid and semiarid areas. To address this issue, this paper proposes a process-based assimilation scheme (LPJ-SM_A) to simulate daily ET at 0.25° spatial resolution for the water limited areas. First, an integrated model (LPJ-PM) is constructed by the updated Priestley-Taylor Jet Propulsion Laboratory model (PT-JPL_(SM)) and the Lund-Potsdam-Jena Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (LPJ-DGVM). As the PT-JPL_(SM) model establishes a connection between soil moisture (SM) and ET, the SMAP data could be integrated into LPJ-PM. Second, with the estimated ET_(PM) (3-day interval) in LPJ-PM as "observations", the original ET_(LPJ) (daily) estimated by LPJ-DGVM could be well constrained in a water-limited area through data assimilation. The results showed that: (1) the ET_(PM) with SMAP information performed better and had a higher accuracy than ET_(LPJ). (2) After assimilating ET_(PM) into LPJ-DGVM, the assimilated-ET (ETDA) showed a superior performance (R = 0.75,RMSD = 0.72 mm/d) to ET_(LPJ) (R = 0.55, RMSD = 1.02 mm/d) and ET_(PM) (R = 0.70, RMSD = 0.93 mm/d) when evaluated against in situ observations at a 95 significance level. Our proposed assimilation system (LPJ-SM_A) was applied to arid and semiarid regions in the United States, and the results illustrate that the spatial distribution and annual value of the LPJ-SM_A ET was very similar to NLDAS-2 ET products, which have a higher precision over North America than other global 'reference' products. The proposed LPJ-SM_A system can be used to optimize model simulation performance and effectively improve ET prediction accuracy. This method can be used
机译:准确估计蒸散量(ET)对于表征干旱和半干旱生态系统的水收支至关重要。尽管各种土壤水分数据已被用于改进水文过程建模,但只有少数研究通过利用卫星土壤水分主动被动SMAP数据,特别是针对干旱和半干旱地区,改善了全球尺度的ET估计。针对这一问题,该文提出一种基于过程的同化方案(LPJ-SM_A),以0.25°空间分辨率模拟限水区日ET。首先,利用更新的Priestley-Taylor喷气推进实验室模型(PT-JPL_(SM))和隆德-波茨坦-耶拿动态全球植被模型(LPJ-DGVM)构建集成模型(LPJ-PM)。由于PT-JPL_(SM)模型建立了土壤水分(SM)与ET之间的联系,因此可以将SMAP数据整合到LPJ-PM中。其次,以LPJ-PM中估计的ET_(PM)(3 d间隔)为“观测值”,通过数据同化,LPJ-DGVM估计的原始ET_(LPJ)(每日)可以很好地约束在缺水区域。结果表明:(1)与ET_(LPJ)相比,具有SMAP信息的ET_(PM)性能更好,准确率更高。(2)将ET_(PM)同化为LPJ-DGVM后,同化ET(ETDA)表现出优于ET_(LPJ)(R = 0.55,RMSD = 1.02 mm/d)和ET_(PM)(R = 0.70,RMSD = 0。93 mm/d),当与 95% 显着性水平的原位观察进行评估时。将我们提出的同化系统(LPJ-SM_A)应用于美国干旱和半干旱地区,结果表明,LPJ-SM_A ET的空间分布和年值与NLDAS-2 ET产品非常相似,NLDAS-2 ET产品在北美的精度高于其他全球“参考”产品。所提出的LPJ-SM_A系统可用于优化模型仿真性能,有效提高ET预测精度。可以使用此方法




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