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How Much Technological Progress is Needed to Make Solar Hydrogen Cost-Competitive?


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Cost-effective production of green hydrogen is a major challenge for global adoption of a hydrogen economy. Technologies such as photoelectrochemical (PEC) or photocatalytic (PC) water splitting and photovoltaic + electrolysis (PV+E) allow for sustainable hydrogen production from sunlight and water, but are not yet competitive with fossil fuel-derived hydrogen. Herein, open-source software for techno-economic analysis (pyH2A) along with a Monte Carlo-based methodology for modelling of technological progress are developed. Together, these tools allow for the study of required technological improvement to reach a competitive target cost. They are applied to PEC, PC, and PV+E to identify required progress for each and derive actionable research targets. For PEC, it is found that cell lifetime improvements (2 years) and operation under high solar concentration (50-fold) are crucial, necessitating systems with high space-time yields. In the case of PC, solar-to-hydrogen efficiency has to reach at least 6, and lowering catalyst concentration (0.2 g L-1) by improving absorption properties is identified as a promising path to low-cost hydrogen. PV+E requires approximate to two or threefold capital cost reductions for photovoltaic and electrolyzer components. It is hoped that these insights can inform materials research efforts to improve these technologies in the most impactful ways.
机译:具有成本效益的绿色氢气生产是全球采用氢经济的主要挑战。光电化学 (PEC) 或光催化 (PC) 水分解和光伏 + 电解 (PV+E) 等技术允许从阳光和水中可持续地生产氢气,但尚未与化石燃料衍生的氢气竞争。在此,开发了用于技术经济分析的开源软件(pyH2A)以及基于蒙特卡洛的技术进步建模方法。总之,这些工具允许研究所需的技术改进,以达到有竞争力的目标成本。它们被应用于 PEC、PC 和 PV+E,以确定每个项目所需的进展,并得出可操作的研究目标。对于PEC,发现电池寿命的延长(>2年)和在高太阳浓度(>50倍)下的运行至关重要,因此需要具有高时空产量的系统。就聚碳酸酯而言,太阳能制氢效率必须至少达到6%,通过改善吸收性能来降低催化剂浓度(<0.2 g L-1)被认为是实现低成本氢气的有前途的途径。PV+E 需要将光伏和电解槽组件的资本成本降低近 2 倍或 3 倍。希望这些见解能够为材料研究工作提供信息,以最有影响力的方式改进这些技术。




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