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Studies in terpenoids. Part 40. Synthesis of (plusmn;)-sydowic acid

机译:萜类化合物的研究。第 40 部分。(±)-sydowic acid的合成



34 J.C.S. Perkin IStudies in Terpenoids. Part 4 0 . l Synthesis of (+Sydowic AcidBy Putti R. Vijayasarathy, Ramachandra B. Mane, and G. S. Krishna Rao,' Department of Organic Chemistry,Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 56001 2, India5-Methyl-2-(2,6,6-trimethyltetrahydropyran-2-yl)phenol (5a). a phenolic analogue of the naturally occurringcurcumen ether (1 ), has been synthesised via 5-(2-hydroxy-4-methyIphenyl) -5-oxopentanoic acid (3a). Oxid-ation with alkaline permanganate or treatment with N-bromosuccinimide of the acetate (5b) followed by hydrolysisgave (*)-sydowic acid 3-hydroxy-4-(2.6.6-trimethyltetrahydropyran-2-yl) benzoic acid (5c). a fungal metabolitei so I a ted from Aspergillus s ydo wi.A PHENOLIC tetrahydropyran sesquiterpenoid namedsydowic acid (5c) has been isolated recently fromH Hf p 3 0 2 Rbsol;( 3 ) a; R = Hb; R = MeR2 R2( 5 )a; R' =H,R*=Meb; R' =Ac, R2= Med ; R ' = A c , R 2 = CHBr2C; R' = H,R2 = CO2HA sfiergiZZas sydo~eri.~ The closely related non-phenolictetrahydropyran, curcumen ether (1) and the pyranonePart 39, T.K. John and G. S. Krishna Rao, Indian J.Chem., in the press.2 (a) T . Hamasaki. Y. Sato, Y. Hatsuda, M. Tanabe, andL. W. Cary, Tetrahedron Letters, 1975, 659; (b) T. Hamasaki, Y.Sato, and Y. Hatsuda, Agric. and Biol. Chem. (Japan), 1975, 39,2337; ( c ) K. Fukuyama, T. Tsukihara, Y. Katsube, T. Hamasaki,and Y. Hatsuda, Agric. and Biol. Chem. (Japan), 1976, 4-0, 1053.deodarone (2) of plant origin have been s~nthesised.~-~As part of a programme of synthesis of phenolic ses-quiterpenoids l y 7 and sesquiterpene acids ,* we undertookthe synthesis of sydowic acid.Acylation of m-cresol with glutaric anhydride furnishedthe phenolic 0x0-acid (3a), the methyl ester of which ontreatment with an excess of methylmagnesium iodideafforded the phenolic diol (4) as a crystalline solid.Ringclosure to the tetrahydropyran (5a) proceeded smoothlyon treatment with aqueous sulphuric acid at 0 "C. Theether (Sa) is of interest because of (i) its relationship withthe naturally occurring curcumen ether (1) and (ii) itsconformation.Conformationally, (6a) appears a satisfactory represen-tation of the ether (5a), with the aryl ring equatorial tothe tetrahydropyran ring, the ring oxygen and thearomatic hydroxy-group being involved in intramolecularhydrogen bonding 2~ v,, (CCL,) 3 300 cm-l (OH), nochange in maximum in solutions of different dilutions.Each of the three methyl groups on the tetrahydropyranring in compounds (5a-d) invariably gives rise to a wellseparated 1H n.m.r.singlet, as expected for the conform-ational model (6).The ether (5a) was acetylated ; oxidation of the acetate9 B. Tomita, Y. Hirose, and T. Nakatsuka, Mokuzai Gakkaishi,4 R. Shankaranarayanan, S. Krishnappa, S. C. Bisarya, and5 0. P. Vig, H. Kumar, J . P. Salota, and S. D. Sharma, Indian6 Y. Gopichand and K. K. Chakravarthi, Tetrahedron Letters,1969, 15, 47 (Chem. Abs., 1969, 71, 50250t).Sukh Dev, Tetrahedron Letters, 1973, 427.J . Chem., 1973, 11, 86.1974, 3851.-'I (a) J .Alexander and G. S. Krishna Rao, Tetrahedron, 1971,27, 645; (b) V. Viswanatha and G. S. Krishna Rao, TetrahedronLetters, 1974, 243; ( c ) R. B. Mane and G. S. Krishna Rao, IndianJ.,Chem., 1974,12, 938; (d) G. Usha Devi and G. S. Krishna Rao,zbzd., 1976, 14B, 162. * K. Subrahmania Ayyar and G. S. Krishna Rao, PerfumeryEssent. Oil Record, 1968, 58, 1141977 35(5b) with alkaline perrnanganate followed by hydrolysisof the crude acetoxy-acid furnished (amp;)-sydowic acid(54, m.p. 144" (lit.,2 151" for the optically active naturalproduct), identical in i.r. and n.m.r. spectra with thenatural product. Though several other attempts tooxidise the aromatic methyl group of the acetoxy-compound (5b) by cerium(1v) ammonium nitrate,1deg;chromic acid,ll, l2 or neutral permanganate 13 provedunrewarding, side-chain halogenation with a large excessof N-bromosuccinimide l1 followed by refluxing withethanolic potassium hydroxide afforded, in comparableyield and purity, crystalline (amp;)-sydowic acid (5c),formed presumably by aerial oxidation of the aldehyderesulting from the dibromomethyl compound (5d).EXPERIMENTAL1.r. spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Infracord127 or Zeiss UR-10 instrument, U.V.spectra with a UnicamSP 700 spectrometer and n.m.r. spectra with a VarianHA-100D or T-60 instrument. Light petroleum refers tothe fraction with b.p. 40-60 "C. Solvent extracts wereappropriately washed and dried (Na,SO,) before evaporation.5-( 2-Hydroxy-4-methyl~henyl)-5-oxo~entanoic A cid (3a) .-To a mixture of m-cresol(43.2 g), glutaric anhydride (45.6 g),and tetrachloroethane (188 ml), aluminium chloride (1 12 g)was added in portions with stirring during 1 h.The mix-ture was then gradually heated on an oil-bath to 130 "C,maintained a t this temperature for 2 h, cooled, and pouredinto ice (500 g) and concentrated hydrochloric acid (200 ml) .The organic layer was separated and the aqueous phase wasextracted with chloroform (200 ml) . The combined organicphase was washed with water (200 ml) and extracted withsaturated sodium carbonate solution (5 x 100 ml). Afterbeing washed with ether (200 ml), the sodium carbonatesolution was acidified with concentrated hydrochloric acid.The precipitated yellow solid was crystallised from benzeneto give the pure oxo-acid (3a) (25 g), m.p.135" (Found: C,64.8; H, 6.6. C12H1404 requires C, 64.85; H, 6.35).Refluxing the oxo-acid (3a) (18.5 g) with methanol (150 ml)and concentrated sulphuric acid (3.5 ml) on a water-bath for10 h and work-up in the usual manner gave the methyl ester(3b) (12 g), m.p. 50" (from hexane), vmx. (Nujol) 1 739 (esterG O ) and 1639 cm-l (hydrogen-bonded ketonic GO),6 (CCl,) 2.05 (m, 3-H,), 2.33 (5 H, merged s and m, ArMe and2-H,), 3.02 (2 H, t, 4-H,), 3.65 (3 H, s, C02Me), 6.67 (2 H, d,aryl H-3 and -5), 7.63 (1 H, d, J 8 Hz, aryl H-6), and 12.1(1 H, s, OH) (Found: C, 66.05; H, 7.0. C13H1@, requiresC, 66.1; H, 6.85).2- (2-Hydroxy-4-methylphenyl) -6-methylheptune-2,6-diol (4).-To a suspension of Grignard reagent prepared from methyliodide (23 ml) and magnesium (8.5 g) in dry ether (250 ml)was added with stirring a solution of the phenolic oxo-ester(3b) (11.7 g) in dry ether (100 ml) during 3 h.The mixturewas then refluxed for 2 h, left overnight, and decomposedwith cold saturated ammonium chloride solution (300 ml) .The ether layer was separated and the aqueous layer wasextracted with ether ( 150 ml) . Removal of the solvent fromthe combined organic phase gave the phenolic diol (4) (12 g)as a white solid, m.p. 140" (from ethanol), vmax. (Nujol) 3 636A. I. Vogel, 'A Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry,'Longmans, London, 1971, 3rd edn., p. 520.lo T. L. Ho, Synthesis, 1973, 347.(free OH) and 3 390 cm-1 (hydrogen-bonded OH), 6 (CD3),-COl.l0(6H,s,CMe,*OH), 1.60(3H,sl2-Me),2.22(3H,s,ArMe), 3.08br (1 H, s, OH, exchanges with D,O), 6.58 (2 H,m, aryl H-3 and -5), 6.98 (1 H, d, J 8 Hz, aryl H-6), and9.70 (1 H, s, phenolic OH, exchanges with D,O) (Found:C, 71.4; H, 9.5.C15H2403 requires C, 71.4; H, 9.6).5-Methyl-2-( 2,6,6-trimethyltetrahydro~y~un-2-yZ)phenol(5a).-Sulphuric acid (70 ; 50 ml) was added dropwise to thephenolic diol (4) (10 g) dissolved in distilled ether (300 ml)a t 0 "C. The mixture was stirred a t room temperature for7 h. The ether layer was separated and the aqueous phasewas extracted with ether (100 ml) . The combined etherealextract was washed until neutral and dried. Removal ofthe solvent gave a viscous liquid (8 g) which was purified bypassing twice through a silica gel column.Elution withbenzene gave.the phenolic tetruhydropyrun (5a) (5.0 g), b.p.120" a t 3 mmHg, v,, (CCl,) 3 300 cm-l, 6 (CCl,) 0.93 (3 H, s,Me), 1.32 (3 H, s, Me), 1.43 (3 H, s, Me), 1.20-1.87 (6 H, m,CH,), 2.25 (3 H, s, 5-Me), 6.40-6.87 (3 HI m, ArH), and8.63 (1 HI s, phenolic OH, exchanges with D,O) (Found:C, 77.05; HI 9.65. C15H2202 requires C, 76.9; H, 9.45).The phenol (5a) (5.0 g) was heated with acetic anhydride(50 ml) and pyridine (50 ml) on a boiling water-bath for10 h. The mixture was poured into hydrochloric acid(5; 250 ml). The product was extracted with ether(5 x 100 ml). The usual work-up followed by columnchromatography (silica gel; benzene) gave the acetats (5b)(4.9 g), b.p.138" at 3 mmHg, vmx. (neat) 1 776 cm-l (phenolicacetate), 6 (cc1,)0.75(3 H,s,Me), 1.13 (3H, s, Me), 1.48 (3H,s, Me), 1.33-1.83 (6 HI m, CH,), 2.20 (3 H, s, 5-Me or OAc),2.27 (3 H, s, 5-Me or OAc), 6.73 (2 HI m, aryl H-3 and -5),and 7.20 (1 H, d, J 8 Hz, aryl H-6) (Found: C, 73.95; H,8.75. Cl,H2403 requires C, 73.9; H, 8.7).( f )-Sydowic Acid 3-Hydroxy-4-( 2,6,6-trimethyltetmhydro-pyran-2-yZ)benzoic Acid (5c) .-(u) A mixture of the foregoingacetate (5b) (250 mg), potassium permanganate (1 g),sodium carbonate (125 mg), and water (20 ml) was refluxedfor 3 h, cooled, acidified with dilute sulphuric acid, andheated on a water-bath for 10 min. The manganese saltswere decolourised with sodium hydrogen sulphite. Theproduct was extracted with ether (150 ml).Removal ofsolvent gave the crude acetoxy-acid (120 mg), which washydrolysed with ethanolic potassium hydroxide (20 ; 10ml) by heating on a water-bath for 6 h. The usual work-upafter acidification gave (f)-sydowic acid (5c) (50 mg), m.p.144' (from ethyl acetate-hexane).(b) A mixture of the acetate (5b) (276 mg), carbon tetra-chloride (60 ml) , N-bromosuccinimide (1.05 g) , and a cataly-tic amount of benzoyl peroxide was heated on a water-bathfor 2 h, then cooled and the separated succinimide wasfiltered off. Removal of the solvent left the dibromomethylcompound (5d) (400 mg), 6 (CCl,-CDCl,) 0.59 (3 H, s, Me),0.98 (3 HI s, Me), 1.30 (3 H, s, Me), 1.3-1.85 (6 HI m, CH,),2.08 (3 HI s, OAc), 6.5 (1 HI s, Br,CH), and 7.1-7.54 (3 H,m, aryl H-3, -5, and -6) (Found: C, 47.4; HI 4.75. C,,H,,-Br,O, requires C, 47.0; H, 5.05).The dibromomethylcompound (5d) was refluxed (6 h) with ethanolic potassiumhydroxide (10; 25 ml). The usual work-up afteracidification gave (-J-)-sydowic acid (5c) (80 mg) identicalwith the above, m.p. 144' (from ethyl acetate-hexane),l1 H. Gilman, C. G. Brannen, and R. K. Ingham, J . Amer.l2 C. Enzell and H. Erdtman, Tetrahedron, 1958, 4, 361.l3 A. W. Singer and S. M. McElvain, Org. Synth., Coll. Vol. 111,Chem. SOC., 1956, 78, 1689.1955, p. 740J.C.S. Perkin Ivmx. (CHCl,) 4 000-3 200br (OH and CO,H) and 1 685 cm-1( G O of C0,H) (the spectrum of a KBr pellet agreed with thespectrum of the natural product), Amx. (EtOH) 238 (4 BOO)and 290 nm (E 1 800), 6 (CDCl,) 0.97 (3 H, s, Me), 1.30 (3 H,s, Me), 1.50 (3 H, s, Me), 1.5-1.93 and 2.27-2.56 (6 H, m,CH,), 7.12 (1 H, d, J 9 Hz, aryl H-6), 7.56 (2 H, m, arylH-3 and -5), 9.33 (1 H, s, OH or CO,H), and 10.38br (1 H, s,OH or C0,H) (identical with an authentic spectrum of thenatural product) (Found: C, 67.8; H, 7.4. C,,H,,O,requires C, 68.15; H, 7.65).We thank the Council of Scientific and Industrial Re-search, New Delhi, for a Senior Research Fellowship(P. R. V.), and Professor Hamasaki for the i.r. and n.m.r.spectra of (-)-sydowic acid.6/807 Received, 26th April, 1976
机译:34 J.C.S. Perkin在萜类化合物中的研究。第 4 部分 0 .l 合成(+Sydowic Acid作者:Putti R. Vijayasarathy, Ramachandra B. Mane, and G. S. Krishna Rao' 印度科学研究所有机化学系,班加罗尔 56001 2,印度5-甲基-2-(2,6,6-三甲基四氢吡喃-2-基)苯酚 (5a)。 天然存在的姜黄醚 (1) 的酚类类似物已通过 5-(2-羟基-4-甲基异苯基)-5-氧代戊酸 (3a) 合成。用碱性高锰酸盐氧化或用乙酸盐的N-溴代琥珀酰亚胺(5b)处理,然后水解得到(*)-氪多酸[3-羟基-4-(2.6.6-三甲基四氢吡喃-2-基)苯甲酸](5c)。一种真菌代谢物,所以我从曲霉菌 y do wi 中脱颖而出。最近从H Hf p 3 0 2 R\(3)a中分离出一种名为PHENOLIC四氢吡喃倍半萜类化合物(5c);R = 血红蛋白;R = MeR2 R2( 5 )a;R' =H,R*=Meb;R' =交流, R2= 中值 ;R ' = A c , R 2 = CHBr2C;R' = H,R2 = CO2HA sfiergiZZas sydo~eri.~ 密切相关的非酚类四氢吡喃、姜黄醚 (1) 和吡喃酮第 39 部分,T.K. John 和 G. S. Krishna Rao,Indian J.Chem.,in the press.2 (a) T .滨崎步。Y. 佐藤、Y. 初田、M. 田边和 L.W. Cary,《四面体快报》,1975 年,第 659 页;(b) T. Hamasaki, Y.Sato, and Y. Hatsuda, Agric. and Biol. Chem. (日本), 1975, 39,2337;( c ) K. Fukuyama, T. Tsukihara, Y. Katsube, T. Hamasaki,and Y. Hatsuda, Agric. and Biol. Chem. (Japan), 1976, 4-0, 1053.植物来源的碘酮 (2) 已被 s~nthesised.~-~作为酚类 ses-quiterpenoids l y 7 和倍半萜酸合成程序的一部分,* 我们进行了 sydowic acid 的合成。间甲酚与戊二酸酐的酰化反应得到酚0x0-酸(3a),其甲酯在用过量的甲基碘化镁处理后得到酚二醇(4)作为结晶固体。在0“C下用硫酸水溶液处理四氢吡喃(5a)的闭环顺利进行。从构象上看,(6a)与乙醚(5a)呈令人满意的对应,芳基环与四氢吡喃环呈赤道状,环氧和芳香族羟基参与分子内氢键2~[v,,(CCL,)3 300 cm-l(OH),在不同稀释度的溶液中最大无变化]。化合物 (5a-d) 中四氢吡喃环上的三个甲基中的每一个都会产生分离良好的 1H n.m.r.单线态,正如构象模型所预期的那样 (6)。乙醚(5a)乙酰化;乙酸盐的氧化9 B. Tomita, Y. Hirose, and T. Nakatsuka, Mokuzai Gakkaishi,4 R. Shankaranarayanan, S. Krishnappa, S. C. Bisarya, 和5 0.P.维格,H.库马尔,J .P. Salota, and S. D. Sharma, Indian6 Y. Gopichand and K. K. Chakravarthi, Tetrahedron Letters,1969, 15, 47 (Chem. Abs., 1969, 71, 50250t).Sukh Dev, 四面体快报, 1973, 427.J .化学。, 1973, 11, 86.1974, 3851.-'I (a) J .Alexander 和 G. S. Krishna Rao,四面体,1971,27,645;(b) V. Viswanatha 和 G. S. Krishna Rao, TetrahedronLetters, 1974, 243;( c ) R. B. Mane 和 G. S. Krishna Rao, IndianJ.,Chem., 1974,12, 938;(d) G. Usha Devi 和 G. S. Krishna Rao,zbzd., 1976, 14B, 162.* K. Subrahmania Ayyar 和 G. S. Krishna Rao,PerfumeryEssent。Oil Record, 1968, 58, 1141977 35(5b) 用碱性过氧化物,然后水解粗乙酰氧基酸(&)-sydowic acid(54, m.p. 144“ (lit.,2 151” for the optically active naturalproduct),其 IR 和 NMR 光谱与天然产物相同。尽管其他几次尝试也对乙酰氧基化合物 (5b) 的芳香甲基进行了氧化 [通过硝酸铈 (1v) 铵、1°铬酸、ll、l2 或中性高锰酸盐 13] 证明是没有回报的,但侧链卤化与大量过量的 N-溴代丁二酰亚胺 l1 然后用乙醇氢氧化钾回流,以可比的收率和纯度提供结晶 (&)-sydowic acid (5c),可能是由二溴甲基化合物 (5d) 产生的醛的空中氧化形成的。EXPERIMENTAL1.r.光谱记录在Perkin-Elmer Infracord127或蔡司UR-10仪器上,紫外光谱记录在UnicamSP 700光谱仪上,n.m.r.光谱记录在瓦里安HA-100D或T-60仪器上。轻石油是指b.p.40-60“C.溶剂萃取物在蒸发前适当洗涤和干燥(Na,SO,)的馏分。5-( 2-羟基-4-甲基~己基)-5-氧代~恩坦酸 A cid (3a) .-向间甲酚(43.2 g)、戊二酸酐(45.6 g)和四氯乙烷(188 ml)的混合物中,在搅拌下分批加入氯化铝(1 12 g),然后在油浴上逐渐加热至130“C,保持该温度2 h, 冷却,倒入冰(500克)和浓盐酸(200毫升)中。分离有机层,用氯仿(200ml)萃取水相。将合并的有机相用水(200ml)洗涤,并用饱和碳酸钠溶液(5×100ml)萃取。用乙醚(200ml)洗涤后,将碳酸钠溶液用浓盐酸酸化。沉淀的黄色固体由苯结晶得到纯氧酸(3a)(25g),熔点135“(Found: C,64.8;H,6.6。C12H1404需要 C,64.85;H,6.35%)。将氧酸(3a)(18.5g)与甲醇(150ml)和浓硫酸(3.5ml)在水浴上回流10小时,并以通常的方式进行后处理,得到甲酯(3b)(12g),熔点50“(来自己烷),vmx。(Nujol)1 739(酯G O)和1639 cm-l(氢键酮GO),6(CCl,)2.05(m,3-H),2.33(5 H,合并s和m,ArMe和2-H,),3.02(2 H,t,4-H,),3.65(3 H,s,C02Me),6.67(2 H,d,芳基H-3和-5),7.63(1 H,d,J 8 Hz,芳基H-6)和12.1(1 H, s,OH) (发现值: C, 66.05;H,7.0。C13H1@,requiresC,66.1;H,6.85%)。2-(2-羟基-4-甲基苯基)-6-甲基庚-2,6-二醇(4).-将由甲基碘化物(23ml)和镁(8.5g)在干醚(250ml)中制备的格氏试剂悬浮液在干燥乙醚(250ml)中搅拌加入酚氧基酯(3b)(11.7g)的溶液,在干燥的乙醚(100ml)中搅拌3小时,然后将混合物回流2小时, 放置过夜,并用冷的饱和氯化铵溶液(300ml)分解。分离乙醚层,用乙醚(150ml)萃取水层。从结合有机相中除去溶剂,得到酚二醇(4)(12g)为白色固体,熔点140“(来自乙醇),vmax。(Nujol) 3 636A. I. Vogel, 'A Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry', Longmans, London, 1971, 3rd edn., p. 520.lo T. L. Ho, Synthesis, 1973, 347.(游离OH)和3 390 cm-1(氢键OH),6[(CD3),-CO]l.l0(6H,s,CMe,*OH),1.60(3H,sl2-Me),2.22(3H,s,ArMe),3.08br(1 H,s,OH,与D,O交换),6.58(2 H,m,芳基H-3和-5),6.98(1 H,d,J 8 Hz,芳基H-6)和9.70(1 H,s,酚醛OH,与D交换,O) (发现:C, 71.4;H, 9.5.C15H2403 需要 C, 71.4;H,9.6%).5-甲基-2-(2,6,6-三甲基四氢~y~un-2-yZ)苯酚(5a).-硫酸(70%;50ml)滴加到酚二醇(4)(10g)中溶解在蒸馏醚(300ml)a中,t 0“C。将混合物在室温下搅拌7小时。分离乙醚层,用乙醚(100ml)萃取水相。将合并的空灵提取物洗涤至中性并干燥。除去溶剂得到粘稠液体(8g),该液体通过硅胶柱绕过两次纯化。苯洗脱得到酚类四氢吡喃(5a)(5.0 g),b.p.120“ a t 3 mmHg, v,, (CCl,) 3 300 cm-l, 6 (CCl,) 0.93 (3 H, s,Me), 1.32 (3 h, s, Me), 1.43 (3 h, s, Me), 1.20-1.87 (6 h, m,CH,), 2.25 (3 h, s, 5-Me), 6.40-6.87 (3 HI m, ArH), 和 8.63 (1 HI s, 酚醛OH, 与D,O交换) (发现:C, 77.05;嗨 9.65。C15H2202需要 C,76.9;H, 9.45%)。将苯酚(5a)(5.0g)与乙酸酐(50ml)和吡啶(50ml)在沸水浴中加热10小时。将混合物倒入盐酸(5%;250毫升)中。产物用乙醚(5 x 100 ml)提取。通常的后处理,然后进行柱层析(硅胶;苯)得到乙酸(5b)(4.9g),b.p.138“,3 mmHg,vmx。(纯)1 776 cm-l(酚乙酸酯)、6 (cc1,)0.75(3 H,s,Me)、1.13 (3H,s、Me)、1.48 (3H,s, Me)、1.33-1.83 (6 HI m,CH)、2.20 (3 H、s、5-Me或OAc)、2.27 (3 H,s,5-Me或OAc)、6.73 (2 HI m,芳基H-3和-5)和7.20 (1 H,d,J 8 Hz, 芳基H-6)(实测值:C,73.95;H,8.75。Cl,H2403 需要 C, 73.9;H,8.7%)。(f)-Sydowic Acid [3-羟基-4-(2,6,6-三甲基四氢吡喃-2-yZ)苯甲酸] (5c).-(u)将上述乙酸盐(5b)(250mg)、高锰酸钾(1g)、碳酸钠(125mg)和水(20ml)的混合物回流3小时,冷却,用稀硫酸酸化,并在水浴上加热10分钟。锰盐用亚硫酸氢钠脱色。产物用乙醚(150ml)提取。除去溶剂,得到粗乙酰氧基酸(120mg),用乙醇氢氧化钾(20%;10ml)在水浴上加热6小时水解。酸化后的通常工作得到(f)-sydowic acid (5c) (50 mg),熔点144'(来自乙酸乙酯-己烷)。(b)将乙酸盐(5b)(276mg)、四氯化碳(60ml)、N-溴琥珀酰亚胺(1.05g)和催化量的过氧化苯甲酰的混合物在水浴中加热2小时,然后冷却并过滤掉分离的琥珀酰亚胺。除去溶剂后留下的二溴甲基化合物(5d)(400 mg)、6 (CCl,-CDCl)、0.59 (3 H, s, Me)、0.98 (3 HI s, Me)、1.30 (3 H, s, Me)、1.3-1.85 (6 HI m, CH,)、2.08 (3 HI s, OAc)、6.5 (1 HI s, Br,CH)和7.1-7.54 (3 H,m, 芳基H-3、-5和-6) (发现:C, 47.4;嗨 4.75。C,,H,,-Br,O,需要C,47.0;H, 5.05%)。将二溴甲基化合物(5d)用乙醇氢氧化钾(10%;25ml)回流(6小时)。通常的后处理后酸化得到与上述相同的(-J-)-sydowic acid (5c) (80 mg),m.p. 144'(来自乙酸乙酯-己烷),l1 H. Gilman, C. G. Brannen, and R. K. Ingham, J .Amer.l2 C. Enzell 和 H. Erdtman, Tetrahedron, 1958, 4, 361.l3 A. W. Singer 和 S. M. McElvain, Org. Synth., Coll. Vol. 111,Chem. SOC., 1956, 78, 1689.1955, p. 740J.C.S. Perkin Ivmx.(CHCl,) 4 000-3 200br (OH和CO,H)和1 685 cm-1( G O of C0,H) (KBr颗粒的光谱与天然产物的光谱一致), Amx.(EtOH) 238 (4 BOO) 和 290 nm (E 1 800), 6 (CDCl,) 0.97 (3 H, s, Me), 1.30 (3 H,s, Me), 1.50 (3 H, s, Me), 1.5-1.93 和 2.27-2.56 (6 H, m,CH,), 7.12 (1 H, d, J 9 Hz, 芳基 H-6), 7.56 (2 H, m, 芳基 H-3 和 -5), 9.33 (1 H, s, OH 或 CO,H)和10.38br(1 H,s,OH或C0,H)(与天然产物的真实光谱相同)(发现:C,67.8;H,7.4。C,,H,,O,需要C,68.15;H, 7.65%)。我们感谢新德里科学和工业再研究委员会提供高级研究奖学金(P.R.V.),并感谢滨崎教授提供(-)-sydowic acid的红外光谱和n.m.r.光谱。[6/807 收稿日期: 1976年4月26日




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