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Security Evaluation of Initialization Phases and Round Functions of Rocca and AEGIS


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Authenticated-Encryption with Associated-Data (AEAD)plays an important role in guaranteeing confidentiality, integrity, and authenticityin network communications. To meet the requirements of highperformanceapplications, several AEADs make use of AESNewInstructions(AES-NI), which can conduct operations of AES encryption and decryptiondramatically fast by hardware accelerations. At SAC 2013, Wu and Preneelproposed an AES-based AEAD scheme called AEGIS-128/128L/256, toachieve high-speed software implementation. At FSE 2016, Jean and Nikolicgeneralized the construction of AEGIS and proposed more efficient roundfunctions. At ToSC 2021, Sakamoto et al. further improved the constructionsof Jean and Nikolic, and proposed an AEAD scheme called Rocca for beyond5G. In this study, we first evaluate the security of the initialization phases ofRocca and AEGIS family against differential and integral attacks using MILP(Mixed Integer Linear Programming) tools. Specifically, according to theevaluation based on the lower bounds for the number of active S-boxes, theinitialization phases of AEGIS-128/128L/256 are secure against differentialattacks after 4/3/6 rounds, respectively. Regarding integral attacks, wepresent the integral distinguisher on 6 rounds and 6/5/7 rounds in the initializationphases of Rocca and AEGIS-128/128L/256, respectively. Besides,we evaluate the round function of Rocca and those of Jean and Nikolic ascryptographic permutations against differential, impossible differential, andintegral attacks. Our results indicate that, for differential attacks, the growthrate of increasing the number of active S-boxes in Rocca is faster than thoseof Jean and Nikolic. For impossible differential and integral attacks, weshow that the round function of Rocca achieves the sufficient level of thesecurity against these attacks in smaller number of rounds than those of Jeanand Nikolic.
机译:AEAD认证加密在保证网络通信的机密性、完整性和真实性方面发挥着重要作用。为了满足高性能应用的要求,一些AEAD使用AESNewInstructions(AES-NI),它可以通过硬件加速以极快的速度执行AES加密和解密操作。在 SAC 2013 上,Wu 和 Preneel 提出了一种基于 AES 的 AEAD 方案,称为 AEGIS-128/128L/256,以实现高速软件实现。在 FSE 2016 上,Jean 和 Nikolic 概括了 AEGIS 的构建,并提出了更高效的圆形函数。在 ToSC 2021 上,Sakamoto 等人进一步改进了 Jean 和 Nikolic 的结构,并提出了一种名为 Rocca 的 AEAD 方案,用于超越 5G。在这项研究中,我们首先使用MILP(混合整数线性规划)工具评估了Rocca和AEGIS系列初始化阶段对差分和积分攻击的安全性。具体而言,根据基于活动S-box数量下限的评估,AEGIS-128/128L/256的初始化阶段分别在4/3/6回合后免受差分攻击。关于积分攻击,我们分别在 Rocca 和 AEGIS-128/128L/256 的初始化阶段提出了 6 发和 6/5/7 发的积分区分器。此外,我们评估了Rocca的圆函数以及Jean和Nikolic的圆函数作为针对微分攻击、不可能微分攻击和积分攻击的密码排列。结果表明,对于差分攻击,Rocca中主动S-box数量的增加速度快于Jean和Nikolic。对于不可能的差分攻击和积分攻击,我们发现 Rocca 的回合函数比 Jean 和 Nikolic 的回合数更少,从而实现了足够的安全级别。




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