首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Ophthalmology >Evaluation of conjunctival graft procedures and factors that lead to graft complications in canine cases

Evaluation of conjunctival graft procedures and factors that lead to graft complications in canine cases


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Purpose To describe the complications of conjunctival graft surgery occurring in cases at a referral ophthalmic service and evaluate factors that lead to occurrence of complications in canine cases. Methods A retrospective case-control study was completed using data from the Veterinary Medical Center at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Saskatoon, Canada, between May 2015 and March 2020. Case records from dogs that underwent conjunctival pedicle graft surgery and subsequently either did or did not develop a conjunctival graft complication were reviewed. Results One hundred and six dogs undergoing conjunctival graft surgeries were identified. Sixteen conjunctival graft complications occurred, of which, eight led to negative outcomes. Univariable analysis comparing canine eyes that developed complications to control eyes revealed potential (p <= .05) differences between the groups in post-operative fluoroquinolone use, Streptococcus canis isolation, intraoperative intravenous cefazolin use, corneal stromal white cell infiltrate, and mean ulcer diameter. The use of intraoperative cefazolin could not be effectively evaluated with available data; however, no dogs (n = 22) receiving intraoperative cefazolin developed complications. Multivariable analysis revealed that dogs that were treated with a second-generation fluoroquinolone and that had S. canis isolated had higher odds of experiencing complications than dogs that were not treated with a second-generation fluoroquinolone and that were S. canis negative (Odds ratio = 64.7 95 CI 6.3-669, p < .0001). Conclusions Streptococcus species played a role in conjunctival graft complications in our study. Empiric selection of second-generation fluoroquinolone monotherapy may need reconsideration given the frequent isolation of Streptococcus spp. from canine ulcers. The use of intraoperative cefazolin may be associated with a lower complication rate.
机译:目的 描述转诊眼科患者结膜移植手术的并发症,并评估导致犬类并发症发生的因素。方法 利用2015年5月至2020年3月加拿大萨斯卡通西部兽医学院兽医医学中心的数据完成回顾性病例对照研究。回顾了接受结膜蒂移植手术并随后发生或未发生结膜移植并发症的狗的病例记录。结果 共鉴定出106只接受结膜移植手术的犬只。发生了16例结膜移植并发症,其中8例导致了阴性结果。单变量分析比较了出现并发症的犬眼与对照眼,结果显示两组在术后使用氟喹诺酮类药物、犬链球菌分离、术中静脉注射头孢唑啉使用、角膜基质白细胞浸润和平均溃疡直径方面存在潜在差异 (p <= .05)。术中头孢唑啉的使用无法根据现有数据进行有效评估;然而,没有接受术中头孢唑林的狗(n = 22)出现并发症。多变量分析显示,接受第二代氟喹诺酮类药物治疗且患有 S.与未接受第二代氟喹诺酮类药物治疗且犬链球菌阴性的狗相比,分离的犬类出现并发症的几率更高(比值比 = 64.7 [95% CI 6.3-669],p < .0001)。结论 链球菌属在结膜移植并发症中起着重要作用。鉴于经常从犬溃疡中分离出链球菌属,可能需要重新考虑第二代氟喹诺酮类单药治疗的经验性选择。术中使用头孢唑啉可能与较低的并发症发生率有关。




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