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Torsion and necrosis of a fatty appendix of the vermiform appendix


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A 40-year-old man presented with sudden right lower quadrant abdominal pain, without fever. Biological explorations showed white blood cells = 11 000g/L and CRP = 3ng/mL. An abdominal CT-scan was therefore required to detect an appendicitis. Coronal (Fig. 1A) and sagittal (Fig. 1B) view images demonstrated a thin appendix (arrow) without fluid content, a fat stranding only on the upper side of the appendix (arrowhead). There was no appendicolith, no abscess and no periappendiceal fluid collection. However, the radiologist concluded that acute appendicitis was onset. Furthermore, despite the absence of clear CT signs of acute appendicitis and abdominal defense on clinical examination, the surgeon chose to operate on the patient. The operative findings were as follows (Fig. 1C): healthy appendix (arrow), torsion and necrosis of a fatty appendix on the upper border of the vermiform appendix at the junction of the middle and the distal third of the appendix (arrowhead).
机译:一名 40 岁男性突然出现右下腹痛,无发热。生物学探查结果显示,白细胞=11 000g/L,CRP=3ng/mL。因此,需要进行腹部 CT 扫描以检测阑尾炎。冠状(图1A)和矢状面(图1B)视图图像显示阑尾很薄(箭头),没有液体内容,仅在阑尾(箭头)的上侧有脂肪链。无阑尾结石,无脓肿,无阑尾周围积液。然而,放射科医生得出结论,急性阑尾炎是发病的。此外,尽管临床检查中没有明显的急性阑尾炎和腹部防御的CT征象,但外科医生还是选择对患者进行手术。手术结果如下(图1C):健康的阑尾(箭头),阑尾中部和远端三分之一交界处的蚯蚓状阑尾上缘脂肪阑尾扭转和坏死(箭头)。




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