首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of social psychiatry >Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: Do not forget patients with severe mental illness

Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: Do not forget patients with severe mental illness


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Pandemics, such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), cause substantial fear, insecurity, and uncertainty (Asmundson Taylor, 2020). This could be more prominent in people with severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder as having a prior history of psychiatric disorders can be a risk factor for increased psychological distress after going through any disaster-related traumatic experience (Alvarez Hunt, 2005; Cukor et al., 2011). It is not surprising that people with history of mental disorders would need further support during pandemics (Brooks et al., 2020). Working in the field, I have observed that patients with severe mental illnesses and their care givers express several concerns about the current pandemic of COVID-19 that should be addressed carefully. Here I have classified these concerns into three main groups: (a) Whether this infection induce any severe psychiatric disorder or can it trigger preexisting conditions? (b) What are the main obstacles of treatment during this pandemic? (c) And what can be done?
机译:2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 等大流行会引起巨大的恐惧、不安全感和不确定性(Asmundson & Taylor,2020 年)。这在患有精神分裂症或双相情感障碍等严重精神障碍的人中可能更为突出,因为有精神疾病的既往史可能是经历任何与灾难相关的创伤经历后心理困扰增加的危险因素(Alvarez&Hunt,2005;Cukor等人,2011)。在大流行期间,有精神障碍史的人需要进一步的支持也就不足为奇了(Brooks 等人,2020 年)。在该领域工作,我观察到患有严重精神疾病的患者及其护理人员对当前的 COVID-19 大流行表达了一些担忧,这些担忧应谨慎解决。在这里,我将这些问题分为三大类:(a)这种感染是否会引起任何严重的精神疾病,或者会引发先前存在的疾病?(乙)在这次大流行期间,治疗的主要障碍是什么?(丙)我们可以做些什么?




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