首页> 外文期刊>Drug and alcohol review >‘It's somewhere here, isn't it’? The provision of information and health warnings for alcoholic beverages sold online in New Zealand and the United Kingdom

‘It's somewhere here, isn't it’? The provision of information and health warnings for alcoholic beverages sold online in New Zealand and the United Kingdom


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Abstract Introduction Alcohol beverages in many countries are required to display health information and warnings on all product packaging, given the individual and societal harm caused by alcohol. It is unclear whether consumers purchasing alcohol online are able to easily view such information. This study examines the presence, type and location of mandatory and voluntary health information and warnings consumers are exposed to when entering online alcohol retail shopping environments in the United Kingdom (UK) and New Zealand (NZ). Methods Using an observational study design, 1407 randomly sampled alcoholic beverages from 14 online alcohol retailers (7 per country) were reviewed to ascertain the visual presence or absence of mandatory and voluntary health information and warnings. Results UK online alcohol retailers were more compliant than NZ retailers in showing mandatory health information (e.g., alcohol by volume percentage was visible on 92 of alcoholic beverages sold online in the UK, compared to 31 in NZ, p?
机译:摘要 引言 鉴于酒精对个人和社会造成的危害,许多国家的酒精饮料都要求在所有产品包装上显示健康信息和警告。目前尚不清楚在线购买酒类的消费者是否能够轻松查看此类信息。本研究调查了消费者在英国 (UK) 和新西兰 (NZ) 进入在线酒类零售购物环境时接触到的强制性和自愿性健康信息和警告的存在、类型和位置。方法 采用观察性研究设计,对来自 14 家在线酒类零售商(每个国家 7 家)的 1407 种随机抽样的酒精饮料进行审查,以确定是否存在强制性和自愿性健康信息和警告。结果 英国在线酒类零售商在显示强制性健康信息方面比新西兰零售商更合规(例如,在英国在线销售的酒精饮料中,有 92% 的酒精含量百分比可见,而新西兰为 31%,p?0.001)。在自愿健康警告方面也注意到了类似的模式。这两个国家的在线零售商的酒类产品中,具有可见强制性信息的比例较低,自愿健康警告很少出现和/或可见。讨论和结论 在英国和新西兰的在线零售环境中,酒精饮料的强制性健康信息和警告没有完全遵守,影响了消费者做出明智购买决定的能力。在这两个国家,酒类政策都需要规定,强制性健康信息和警告应在在线酒类零售商的产品页面和产品图像上清晰可见。




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