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Traumatic brain injury as a chronic disease: insights from the United States Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Research Program


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? 2023 Elsevier LtdTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is a global health priority, associated with substantial burden. Historically conceptualised as an injury event with finite recovery, TBI is now recognised as a chronic condition that can affect multiple domains of health and function, some of which might deteriorate over time. Many people who have had a TBI remain moderately to severely disabled at 5 years, are rehospitalised up to 10 years post-injury, and have a reduced lifespan relative to the general population. Understanding TBI as a chronic disease process can be highly informative for optimising care, which has traditionally focused on acute care. Chronic brain injury care models must be informed by a holistic understanding of long-term outcomes and the factors that can affect how care needs evolve over time. The United States Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems of Care follows up individuals with moderate-to-severe TBI for over 30 years, allowing characterisation of the chronic (2–30 years or more post injury) functional, cognitive, behavioural, and social sequelae experienced by individuals who have had a moderate-to-severe TBI and the implications for their health and quality of life. Older age, social determinants of health, and lower acute functional status are associated with post-recovery deterioration, while younger age and greater functional independence are associated with risky health behaviours, including substance misuse and re-injury. Systematically collected data on long-term outcomes across multiple domains of health and function are needed worldwide to inform the development of models for chronic disease management, including the proactive surveillance of commonly experienced health and functional challenges.
机译:?2023 Elsevier Ltd创伤性脑损伤(TBI)是全球卫生优先事项,与沉重的负担有关。TBI在历史上被概念化为一种恢复有限的损伤事件,现在被认为是一种慢性疾病,可以影响健康和功能的多个领域,其中一些可能会随着时间的推移而恶化。许多患有 TBI 的人在 5 岁时仍处于中度至重度残疾状态,受伤后再住院长达 10 年,并且相对于一般人群的寿命缩短。将 TBI 理解为一种慢性病过程对于优化传统上侧重于急性护理的护理非常有用。慢性脑损伤护理模型必须通过对长期结果以及可能影响护理需求随时间演变的因素的整体理解来提供信息。美国创伤性脑损伤模型护理系统对中度至重度 TBI 患者进行了 30 多年的随访,从而可以描述患有中度至重度 TBI 的个体所经历的慢性(受伤后 2-30 年或更长时间)功能、认知、行为和社会后遗症及其对健康和生活质量的影响。年龄较大、健康的社会决定因素和较低的急性功能状态与恢复后恶化有关,而年龄较小和功能独立性较强与危险的健康行为有关,包括药物滥用和再损伤。全世界需要系统地收集有关健康和功能多个领域的长期结果的数据,以便为慢性病管理模型的开发提供信息,包括对常见健康和功能挑战的主动监测。




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