首页> 外文期刊>Russian journal of applied chemistry >Long-Term Zinc-Containing Microfertilizer Based on Bentonite Clay: Manufacture and Properties

Long-Term Zinc-Containing Microfertilizer Based on Bentonite Clay: Manufacture and Properties


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A zinc-containing material based on bentonite clay with a montmorillonite content of 95 wt , modified with a concentrated Na2SiO3 solution, was obtained, which can be used as a long-term microfertilizer. Zn2+ in an amount of 3 wt is blocked in the interlayer space of montmorillonite by silica gel clusters, which significantly slows down the degree of its leaching into the soil. During ten cycles of contact of the material with water in a slightly acidic medium, depending on its dispersity, 5-11 of the introduced amount of Zn2+ was released into the aqueous phase, which is 2-4 times less compared to the unmodified sample.
机译:以蒙脱石含量为95 wt %的膨润土为原料,经浓Na2SiO3溶液改性,制备了含锌材料,可作为长效微肥。锌2+含量为3 wt %时,被硅胶团簇阻断在蒙脱石的层间空间中,显著减缓了其向土壤的淋溶程度。在微酸性介质中材料与水接触的十次循环中,根据其分散性,引入量的 5-11% 的 Zn2+ 被释放到水相中,与未改性的样品相比减少 2-4 倍。




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