首页> 外文期刊>Advanced functional materials >Design of Self-Powered Sensors with Excellent Thermal and UV–Light Detections by 0.94(Bi_(0.5)Na_(0.5))TiO_3-0.06Ba(Zr_(0.25)Ti_(0.75))O_3 Nanoparticles

Design of Self-Powered Sensors with Excellent Thermal and UV–Light Detections by 0.94(Bi_(0.5)Na_(0.5))TiO_3-0.06Ba(Zr_(0.25)Ti_(0.75))O_3 Nanoparticles


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Ferroelectric materials provide a new pathway to convert thermal energyinto electricity based on the pyroelectric effect. How to modulate the pyroelectricproperty of ferroelectric materials through UV–light is still an urgentproblem that needs to be solved. Here, a self-powered sensor is demonstratedbased on 0.94(Bi_(0.5)Na_(0.5))TiO_3-0.06Ba(Zr_(0.25)Ti_(0.75))O_3 nanoparticles,exhibiting high output electric performance under temperature variationand UV–light illumination conditions. Compared with a purely pyroelectricsystem, the corresponding current peaks of “UV–light + heating” and“UV–light + cooling” states are 88.6 higher and 37.3 smaller in thecoupled system. The fabricated pyroelectric system shows excellent performancewith detection sensitivities of 0.9 (heating) and 1.48 nA K~(?1) (cooling)with 0.7 × 10~(?3) and 0.2 × 10~(?3) nA lux~(?1) illuminated by 395 nm UV–lightas a temperature sensor. Furthermore, a self-powered sensor that issuitable for detecting both UV–light and temperature variations byrecording the output current signals are demonstrated, which provides abasis for the development of the next generation of UV–light-modulatedferroelectric devices.
机译:铁电材料提供了一种基于热释电效应将热能转化为电能的新途径。如何通过紫外光调制铁电材料的热释电性能仍然是一个亟待解决的问题。本文展示了一种基于0.94(Bi_(0.5)Na_(0.5))TiO_3-0.06Ba(Zr_(0.25)Ti_(0.75))O_3纳米颗粒的自供电传感器,在温度变化和紫外光照射条件下表现出高输出电性能。与纯热释电系统相比,耦合系统中“紫外-光+加热”和“紫外-光+冷却”状态的相应电流峰值高88.6%,小37.3%。制备的热释电系统在395 nm紫外光照射下作为温度传感器,检测灵敏度为0.9 (加热)和1.48 nA K~(?1) (冷却),探测灵敏度为0.7 × 10~(?3)和0.2 × 10~(?3) nA lux~(?1)。此外,还演示了一种通过记录输出电流信号来检测紫外光和温度变化的自供电传感器,为下一代紫外光调制铁电器件的开发奠定了基础。




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