首页> 外文期刊>Journal of gastroenterology >Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for peptic ulcer disease 2020

Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for peptic ulcer disease 2020

机译:2020 年消化性溃疡病循证临床实践指南

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The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology (JSGE) revised the third edition of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for peptic ulcer disease in 2020 and created an English version. The revised guidelines consist of nine items: epidemiology, hemorrhagic gastric and duodenal ulcers, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication therapy, non-eradication therapy, drug-induced ulcers, non-H. pylori, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ulcers, remnant gastric ulcers, surgical treatment, and conservative therapy for perforation and stenosis. Therapeutic algorithms for the treatment of peptic ulcers differ based on ulcer complications. In patients with NSAID-induced ulcers, NSAIDs are discontinued and anti-ulcer therapy is administered. If NSAIDs cannot be discontinued, the ulcer is treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). Vonoprazan (VPZ) with antibiotics is recommended as the first-line treatment for H. pylori eradication, and PPIs or VPZ with antibiotics is recommended as a second-line therapy. Patients who do not use NSAIDs and are H. pylori negative are considered to have idiopathic peptic ulcers. Algorithms for the prevention of NSAID- and low-dose aspirin (LDA)-related ulcers are presented in this guideline. These algorithms differ based on the concomitant use of LDA or NSAIDs and ulcer history or hemorrhagic ulcer history. In patients with a history of ulcers receiving NSAID therapy, PPIs with or without celecoxib are recommended and the administration of VPZ is suggested for the prevention of ulcer recurrence. In patients with a history of ulcers receiving LDA therapy, PPIs or VPZ are recommended and the administration of a histamine 2-receptor antagonist is suggested for the prevention of ulcer recurrence.
机译:日本胃肠病学会 (JSGE) 于 2020 年修订了消化性溃疡病循证临床实践指南第三版,并创建了英文版。修订后的指南包括九个项目:流行病学、出血性胃和十二指肠溃疡、幽门螺杆菌根除疗法、非根除疗法、药物性溃疡、非 H。幽门螺杆菌和非甾体抗炎药 (NSAID) 溃疡、残余胃溃疡、手术治疗以及穿孔和狭窄的保守治疗。消化性溃疡的治疗方案因溃疡并发症而异。对于非甾体抗炎药诱发的溃疡患者,应停用非甾体抗炎药并给予抗溃疡治疗。如果不能停用非甾体抗炎药,则用质子泵抑制剂 (PPI) 治疗溃疡。推荐将沃诺拉赞 (VPZ) 联合抗生素作为根除幽门螺杆菌的一线治疗,推荐将 PPI 或 VPZ 联合抗生素作为二线治疗。不使用非甾体抗炎药且幽门螺杆菌阴性的患者被认为患有特发性消化性溃疡。本指南介绍了预防非甾体抗炎药和低剂量阿司匹林(LDA)相关溃疡的流程。这些算法根据同时使用 LDA 或 NSAIDs 以及溃疡病史或出血性溃疡病史而有所不同。对于有溃疡病史且接受非甾体抗炎药治疗的患者,推荐使用PPI联合或不联合塞来昔布,并建议给予VPZ以预防溃疡复发。对于有溃疡病史且接受LDA治疗的患者,建议使用PPI或VPZ,并建议给予组胺2受体拮抗剂以预防溃疡复发。




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