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Photoexcited Ultraviolet-to-Infrared (II) Pyroelectricity in a 2D Ferroelectric Perovskite Driving Broadband Self-Powered Photoactivities


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Photoexcited pyroelectricity in ferroelectrics allows the direct conversion oflight radiation into electric signal without external power source, thus pavingan avenue to promote optoelectronic device performances. However, it isurgently demanded to exploit new ferroelectrics with this attribute coveringultraviolet (UV)-to-infrared (IR) region for self-powered photodetection. Herein,broadband light-induced pyroelectric effects in a new 2D perovskite-typeferroelectric, (BBA)2(EA)2Pb3Br10 (1; BBA = p-bromobenzylammonium, EA= ethylammonium), showing a high Curie temperature of 425 K and notablepyroelectric coefficient (≈5.4 × 10~(?3) μC cm~(?2) K~(?1)) is presented. Especially,photo-induced change of its electric polarization leads to ultraviolet-to-infraredpyroelectricity in a wide spectral region (377–1950 nm). Broadband photoactivitiesactualized by this property break the limitation of its optical bandgap.Thus, single-crystal detectors of 1 are sensitive to UV-to-IR light with a smalltemperature fluctuation of 0.3 K, exhibiting a high transient responsivity upto ≈0.28 mA W~(?1) and specific detectivity of 1.31 × 10~(10) Jones under zero bias(at 405 nm); such figure-of-merits are beyond than those self-powered photodetectorsusing oxide ferroelectrics. It is anticipated that the findings of lightinducedpyroelectricity afford a feasible strategy to assemble newly-conceptualsmart photoelectric devices, such as self-powered broadband detectors.
机译:铁电体中的光激发热释电允许光辐射直接转换为电信号,而无需外部电源,从而为提高光电器件的性能铺平了道路。然而,迫切需要利用这种特性的新型铁电体,覆盖紫外(UV)至红外(IR)区域,用于自供电光探测。本文中,宽带光诱导热释电效应的新型二维钙钛矿型铁电体(BBA)2(EA)2Pb3Br10(1;BBA = 对溴苄基铵,EA = 乙基铵),居里温度高达 425 K,热释电系数显着 (≈5.4 × 10~(?3) μC cm~(?2) K~(?1))。特别是,光诱导的电极化变化导致宽光谱区域(377-1950 nm)的紫外到红外热释电。该特性实现的宽带光活动打破了其光学带隙的限制。因此,1的单晶探测器对紫外红外光敏感,温度波动小至0.3 K,在零偏压(405 nm处)表现出高达≈0.28 mA W~(?1)的高瞬态响应度和1.31 × 10~(10) Jones的比探测率;这种品质因数超越了那些使用氧化物铁电体的自供电光电探测器。预计光致热释电的发现为组装新概念的智能光电器件(如自供电宽带探测器)提供了一种可行的策略。




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