首页> 外文期刊>Journal of optical technology >3D reconstruction accuracy improvement of a stereo vision system by changing the convergence angle of the cameras

3D reconstruction accuracy improvement of a stereo vision system by changing the convergence angle of the cameras


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Stereo vision systems are commonly used for 3D depth reconstruction. The measurement accuracy of these scanners is affected by the quantization error caused by the camera sensors. In this paper, the effect of changing the convergence angle of the cameras on the quantization uncertainty is discussed. First, the mathematical model of a stereo vision scanner with the ability to adjust the convergence angle is introduced. Then, the effect of changing the convergence angle on the quantization error reduction is investigated. Finally, physical experiments are designed to validate the proposed approach. The experimental results show that the 3D reconstruction accuracy can be improved by changing the convergence angle of the cameras. (C) 2021 Optica Publishing Group
机译:立体视觉系统通常用于 3D 深度重建。这些扫描仪的测量精度受到相机传感器引起的量化误差的影响。本文讨论了改变相机收敛角对量化不确定度的影响。首先,介绍了具有收敛角度调节能力的立体视觉扫描仪的数学模型。然后,研究了改变收敛角对量化误差减小的影响。最后,通过物理实验验证了所提方法的正确性。实验结果表明,通过改变相机的收敛角可以提高三维重建精度。(C) 2021 Optica 出版集团




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