首页> 外文期刊>Advanced functional materials >Leaf-Like TENGs for Harvesting Gentle Wind Energy at An Air Velocity as Low as 0.2 m s~(?1)

Leaf-Like TENGs for Harvesting Gentle Wind Energy at An Air Velocity as Low as 0.2 m s~(?1)

机译:叶状TENGs,用于在低至0.2 m s~(?1)的风速下收集温和的风能

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Existing technologies for harvesting electrical energy from gentle windface an enormous challenge due to the limitations of cut-in and rated windspeed. Here, a leaf-like triboelectric nanogenerator (LL-TENG) is proposedthat uses contact electrification caused by the damped forced vibration oftopology-optimized structure consisting of flexible leaf, vein bearing plate,and counterweight piece. The effectiveness of the topology-optimized leaflikestructure is studied, which solves the problem of reduced output due toelectrostatic adsorption between the leaf surfaces while reducing the cut-in(0.2 m s~(?1)) and rated wind speed (2.5 m s~(?1)). The LL-TENG unit having smalldimensions of 40 cm~(?2) (mass of 9.7 g) at a gentle wind of 2.5 m s~(?1) exhibitsoutstanding electrical performances, which produces an open-circuit voltageof 338 V, a short-circuit current of 7.9 μA and the transferred charge densityof 62.5 μC m~(?2) with a low resonant frequency of 4 Hz, giving an instantaneouspeak power of 2 mW. A distributed power source consists of the fiveLL-TENGs in parallel is developed by designed self-adaptive structure, forwhich the peak power output reaches 3.98 mW, and its practicability anddurability are successfully demonstrated. This study is a promising distributedpower source technology to drive electronics in gentle wind outdoorenvironments.
机译:由于切入风速和额定风速的限制,现有的从柔和风中收集电能的技术面临着巨大的挑战。本文提出了一种叶状摩擦纳米发电机(LL-TENG),该发电机利用由柔性叶片、脉承板和配重件组成的拓扑优化结构的阻尼受迫振动引起的接触带电。研究了拓扑优化叶状结构的有效性,解决了叶面之间静电吸附导致产量降低的问题,同时降低了切入量(0.2 m s~(?1))和额定风速(2.5 m s~(?1))。LL-TENG单元在2.5 m s~(?1)的微风下具有40 cm~(?2)(质量9.7 g)的小尺寸,具有出色的电气性能,开路电压为338 V,短路电流为7.9 μA,转移电荷密度为62.5 μC m~(?2),谐振频率低至4 Hz, 瞬时峰值功率为2 mW。采用自适应结构设计,研制了一种由5个LL-TENG并联组成的分布式电源,峰值功率输出达到3.98 mW,并成功证明了其实用性和耐久性。该研究是一种很有前途的分布式电源技术,用于在柔和的风室外环境中驱动电子设备。




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