首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development >Eliect ot Foliar Sprays on Rain Water Use Etticiency, Yield and economics of Finger millet under Rainfed Situation

Eliect ot Foliar Sprays on Rain Water Use Etticiency, Yield and economics of Finger millet under Rainfed Situation


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A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2015-16 at the research farm of All India Co-ordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, GKVK, UAS, Bengaluru to study the effect of foliar application of different tolerance inducing nutrients onyield and rain water use efficiency of finger millet under rainfed situation. The experiment was conducted with 7 treatments viz., T_1: Foliar spray of water (Control), T_2: Foliar spray of Sodium selenite @ 10 g ha~(-1), T_3: Foliar spray of Sodium selenite @ 20 g ha~(-1), T_4: Foliar spray of 1 KNO_3, T_5: Foliar spray of 2 KNO_3, T_6: Foliar spray of thiourea (250 g ha~(-1)), T_7: Foliar spray of 1 KCl in Randomised Block Design with three replications. The results revealed that different foliarsprays influenced the growth and yield of finger millet. Application of 2 KNO_3 at panicle initiation stage and second spray 8 days after first spray resulted in higher grain yield (2637 kg ha~(-1)), straw yield (5139 kg ha~(-1)), rain water use efficiency (5.08 kg ha~(-1)mm~(-1)), net return (I.Rs 35493 ha~(-1)) and B:C ratio (2.35).
机译:2015-16年,在班加罗尔GKVK、UAS的全印度旱地农业协调研究项目研究农场进行了田间试验,研究了雨养条件下叶面施用不同耐受性诱导养分对手指谷子产量和雨水利用效率的影响。试验采用7个处理进行,即T_1:叶面喷水(对照),T_2:亚硒酸钠叶面喷施@10 g ha~(-1),T_3:亚硒酸钠叶面喷施@ 20 g ha~(-1),T_4:叶面喷施1%KNO_3,T_5:叶面喷施2%KNO_3,T_6:叶面喷施硫脲(250 g ha~(-1)), T_7:在随机区组设计中叶面喷施 1% KCl,重复三次。结果表明,不同叶面喷施对指谷子的生长和产量都有影响。在穗萌期施用2%KNO_3,并在首次喷施后8 d喷施2%,提高了籽粒产量(2637 kg ha~(-1))、秸秆产量(5139 kg ha~(-1))、雨水利用效率(5.08 kg ha~(-1)mm~(-1))、净回水量(I.Rs 35493 hm~(-1))和B:C比(2.35)。




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