首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development >Rainfall Intensity-Frequency-Duration Relationship for Solapur in Scarcity Zone of Maharashtra

Rainfall Intensity-Frequency-Duration Relationship for Solapur in Scarcity Zone of Maharashtra


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The characteristics of rainfall, viz., intensity, duration, frequency of rainfall, time distribution and geographical distribution are responsible for producing runoff. Rainfall intensity-frequency-duration equations are required for design of soil and water conservation and runoff disposal structures and for planning flood control projects. The rainfall intensity-duration-retum period relationship as I = (KT~a) / (t+b)~d has been developed for Solapur region under scarcity zone of Maharashtra. The constants K, a, b and d in this equation are location specific. The values of parameters a and b were determined by using graphical method and the values of K and d by least squares method. The daily automatic rain gauge charts of Solapur were analyzed inthe form of annual maximum series of various durations, viz. 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours. The constants K, a, b and d for Solapur were found earlier as 11.08 0.1892, 1.01 and 1.2066 respectively by analyzing 17 years daily automaticrain gauge charts of Solapur. These constants K, a, b and d were now modified to 4.57, 0.1934, 0.40 and 0.9187 respectively by analyzing 37 years (1970 to 2020 except 1973, 1978, 1983-1988, 1992, 1993, 1997-2000) daily automatic rain gauge charts. The modified constants will be helpful in design of runoff disposal structures in the Solapur region.
机译:降雨的特征,即降雨强度、持续时间、降雨频率、时间分布和地理分布是产生径流的原因。降雨强度-频率-持续时间方程是水土保持和径流处理结构设计以及防洪工程规划所必需的。在马哈拉施特拉邦稀缺区,Solapur地区建立了I = (KT~a) / (t+b)~d的降雨强度-持续时间-周期关系。该等式中的常数 K、a、b 和 d 是特定于位置的。参数a和b的值采用图形方法确定,K和d的值采用最小二乘法确定。以不同持续时间的年度最大系列的形式分析了Solapur的每日自动雨量计图表,即5、10、15、30分钟、1、3、6、12和24小时。通过分析Solapur17年逐自动雨量计图,发现Solapur的常数K、a、b和d分别为11.08、0.1892、1.01和1.2066。通过分析37年(1970年至2020年,1973年、1978年、1983-1988年、1992年、1993年、1997-2000年除外)的每日自动雨量表,这些常数K、a、b和d分别修改为4.57、0.1934、0.40和0.9187。修改后的常数将有助于Solapur地区径流处理结构的设计。




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